15 June 1881

Box Elder Stake Young Ladies; Brigham City, Utah Territory

Sis. E. R. S. Smith (Salt Lake City) “There is no higher type of beauty than to see the young sisters serving the Lord. Have been delighted with the remarks of the sisters, many of which I would like to impress on my mind.” Encouraged those who were so timid in rising to speak: “It shows your humility; we are all so sometimes;” Related an instance of Bro. [George Q.] Cannon. said “A great responsibility rests on those who rise to speak in public; particularly is it so with the Latter Day Saints. To the young sisters, I would say, continue, the Lord wishes to prove us in all things; we must exert ourselves to develop those faculties, the germs of which are planted in our natures. Never discontinue meetings; if there was an attendance of ten, I would feel encouraged; I would have those who attend fast and pray for others; continue to importune our Heavenly Father; we would soon see them coming one by one; the spirit in your meetings would be so sweet and refreshing, after coming once, they would come again & continue to come; manner of presiding should be with kindness and love.” Spoke of mothers’ allowing ther daughters to go to Salt Lake City and Ogden to work; said “Do you know if they are becoming contaminated? Do you know who their companions are? Some mothers care for their children’s bodies, but know nothing of their souls, which are worth more than all the world. On the subject of dress, I never staid from meeting for the sake of something to wear; the word of God is to let my clothing be plain; I would rather have the approval of God, than that of all others; on my deathbed, I shall not ask myself if I have dressed fashionably, etc. but have I been wholly devoted to the interests of God? I now have humility enough to say, I have not exerted myself as I should. I would say to the young, you have your life before you, you can make it just what you please, if you can govern yourselves, your appetites, your passions, etc<stop> and reflect what kind of women you wish to be; if to be saints of God, or work for the praise of the world, if you wish to be women of God, you can attain to the highest excellence; If you have not done so yet, from this time be determined to so act that there will not be a stain upon your character; If you have not learned for yourselves that this is the true work, do not sleep until you do know; let this be your foundation to work on; then make a firm determination to do your duty. What opportunities you have! Unless we avail ourselves, and develop the faculties with which God has endowed us, it will be worse for us than if we had been born in heathen lands. I have bousted [boasted] of the young ladies of B. C. [Brigham City] & to think that even one should leave to go to such places as Ogden to work; I would rather a friend of mine would be wrapt in skins as of yore, than go to such places, Do mothers’ care for daughter’s welfare, if they would allow this? On the subject of harboring outside influences, If they choose for others to start an opposition, they have a right to do so; but they cannot prosper without your assistanse; so far as we support [p. 199] by our custom those who are working against the priesthood, we are opposing God himself; if we wish to know how particular the Lord is, read the Doctrine & Covenants, we will there see, he allows not a deviation. Our spirits should grow as fast as our bodies, but if we do not strive with all our mights, they will become dwarfed. I can bear testimony to <the> God’s truth of God’s work now, but if I do not continue my prayers and duties, his spirit will go from me, and I cannot bear this testimony. I ask God’s blessings, <on all,>

[. . .] [p. 200]

Source Note

Box Elder Stake, Young Women’s Mutual Improvement Association Minutes and Records (1875–1944), vol. 1 (1875–1891), pp. 199–200, CHL (LR 933 17); Lydia M. Snow, Secretary.

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15 June 1881, Box Elder Stake Young Ladies; Brigham City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed March 9, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1880s/1881/06/1881-06-15