11 December 1879

Harrisville Relief Society; East Meetinghouse, Harrisville, Utah Territory

[. . .] the Pres [Melissa A. Shirtliff] then said we have sister Snow and others of the sisters here with us [. . .]

Sister E. R Snow then arose and said i feel happy to see so manny of my brethren present it strengthens me to have them Know what we are teaching their wives and daughters Said the out side world are contunialy clashing but we like the assistance of our husbands in our organised state we stand as help meat [helpmeets] to our husbands but in our ignorant state we have supposed that our men are agoing to save us but we know better now we have got to work out ourn [our] owns salvation spoke on baptism said when i was baptised i felt to lay my life at the feet [n.p.] of jesus and thought i made a good bargain I know that we as sisters have dwelt with god before we came here what a blessing it is that we are the favored ones to come to the earth in this dispensation there is no dispensation on reccord that god then [the] Son and god the Father appeared to anny man but Joseph Smith Said there is no position that is more particular than that of a teacher encouraged the sisters to try and be faithfull and be filled withe the spirit of god Spoke on home mainfacture and Silk culture when Pres [Brigham] young came here he said the air is full of Silk urged it upon the sisters to lay up wheat and beans said we are councelors to our husbands and we need a great deal of wisdon Spoke on being faithfull So that when the sickness is abroad upon the land we can have faith to ask god to bless us asked god to bless us with his spirit is my desire in the name of Jesus

[. . .] Sister Snow said i like to bare my testamony on the principle of polygamy said that after that Joseph had that revelation he waited untill an angel of god appeard to him with a drawn S[w]ord in hand and said if he did not enter into that his priest hood should be taken from him and he would be swept of[f] from the face of the earth [. . .] [n.p.]

Source Note

Harrisville Ward, Farr West Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1868–1970), vol. 1 (1868–1882), n.p., CHL (LR 3668 14).

See also E. R. S., “A Letter,” Woman’s Exponent 8, no. 15 (1 Jan. 1880): 117.

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11 December 1879, Harrisville Relief Society; East Meetinghouse, Harrisville, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1879/12/1879-12-11-b