10 December 1879

Marriott Relief Society; Marriott [Marriott-Slaterville], Utah Territory

[. . .]

Sister Eliza R. Snow Said she was much pleased to have the opportunity of meeting with the sisters. I am also pleased to see so many of the brethren meet with us, so they can understand what we are doing, also to correct us if we say anything that is not right. I am pleased to say the minutes just read, are the best minutes I have heard read since I left home this time. It shows that the sisters of this Ward are alive to their duties. I am pleased to see so many of the children present. I think you should have a Primary Association here, as there is more to be hoped from these younger than older ones. I ask an interest in your faith and prayers that I may tell you something for your benefit. The question is what is going to become of our young people, these Improvement Associations are for the developement and advancement of our youth. The young ladies were organised first and then the young men. Junius F. Wells was called by President [Brigham Young] to organise the young men’s mutual Improvement Associations [p. 151]

A great amount of good has already accrued from these Associations Now the young children are being Organised into Primary Associations and are receiving great benefit therefrom. I am glad to see the sisters improving in Home Industry and are laboring for the Independence of Zion, we should have a testimony that this is the Church and kingdom of God and come to meetings with prayerfull hearts. The Lord said in a Revelation to Oliver Cowdery if he only succeeded in saving one soul how great should be his joy. The ties that are formed here are not binding upon us unless we attain to that fullnes of joy in the presence of God in the Celestial kingdom. I am so thankful to God that he has instituted the Sabbath Day that we can renew our obligations, and partake of the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. I think it is a good privelege, that we can meet together. I would rather hear you talk my sisters, but it becomes my duty to talk to you. There was a time in the days of Kirtland, when the sisters did not have the privelege of meeting with the Bretheren as they have now. If you want to get any blessing you must be united. I remember a meeting we had in Kirtland w[h]ere one sister had feelings against another sister, and they could not get the blessing they asked for till these sisters had made it right and forgave each other, then the blessing of God was manifested and the[y] enjoyed the spirit of the Lord. Sisters you should humble yourselves, and never ask God to humble you. I am proud of your labors here, I have heard from you from time to time. Do not stop laying up grain, but, continue in well-doing. Joseph Smith said the Relief Society was to save souls, also to improve ourselves. There is a Book kept, that we will have to meet someday, if we neglect our duty we have to meet it. I pray God to bless you to continue your labors, and to crown with Eternal Life in the Celestial kingdom of God. Sister Jane S. Richards [. . .] hoped the little girls would remember what Sister Snow had said to them to-day. [. . .]

[. . .] Sister Sarah Ann Herrick said she was pleased to see so many of the children out to meeting I hope you will remember Sister Snow’s instructions to you, would you not like to grow up and learn to talk as she does. [. . .] [p. 152]

Sister Odell, said [. . .] The good instructions we have had encourages me to go on in the good work I am engaged in. I pray God to bless Sister Snow, Sister Richards and Sister [Ann] Bickington and lengthen out their days on the earth. [. . .]

[. . .] Bro. H. H[enry] Tracy said he [. . .] was pleased with the good teachings we have received from Sister Snow & others. [. . .] [p. 153]

Source Note

Marriott Ward, Farr West Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1869–1973), vol. 2 (1874–1886), pp. 151–153, CHL (LR 5304 14).

See also E. R. S., “A Letter,” Woman’s Exponent 8, no. 15 (1 Jan. 1880): 117.

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10 December 1879, Marriott Relief Society; Marriott [Marriott-Slaterville], Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed March 9, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1879/12/1879-12-10