27 July 1875

Willard Relief Society; Willard Schoolhouse, Willard, Utah Territory

Small, single-story, stone schoolhouse

Willard City schoolhouse, Willard, Utah Territory, circa late 1800s. (Courtesy Church History Library.)

[. . .]

Sister [Mary Ann] Hubbard stated that she was pleased that we had the privilege of having our beloved President Sister Snow with us.

Sister E. R. Snow said there is nothing can feed the heart and mind of a true Saint but what is dictated by the Spirit of God and its promptings was happy to meet with us it is very gratifying to know that the Majority [n.p.] of the sisters are Members of the Relief Society said the Saints want waking up that we are negligent and slothful as pertains to the things of God. asked the Sisters if they understood the organization of the Relief Society it was organized on the 26th [17] of March 1842 did not know how much the Sisters had done in this place in elevating the morals and cultivating ourselves and Society in general stated that the cultivating the young had been greatly neglected in Zion and they was in a great measure full of the vanity of the world and drinking in of the spirit of Babylon the parents had left Babylon and were living their religion the children were born in the kingdom and were heirs to all the blessings but they will have to live for them. Stated that President [Brigham] Young had Counseled the Sisters four or five years ago to organize the young Sisters in a Society by themselves w[h]ere they can sing and speak to each other and get filled with the spirit of the Lord related an incident of the good influences of meeting and testifying to the truth stated that we seek more after the food for the body than we do the food for the mind until we get blinded and our thoughts are so taken up with this world. It had been said “Show us the women of a nation and I will show you what that Nation is, show us the women of Zion and I will tell you what Zion is.” Referred to Home Manufacture and industry asked how many had got home made Hats if we will make our own Hats and Bonnets we will save a great deal of means which might be put into machinery referred to the raising of silk and counseled the Sisters to go into raising it, urged the Sisters to arouse themselves and get rid of the slothfulness that surround us and be determined to be a Saint indeed asked Bishop [George W.] Ward if he would like the young Sisters to be organized and also Sister Hubbard and said with their consent she would take a vote if they would like to be organized a great number of the young Sisters were present and responded that they would. [n.p.] Sister [Jane S.] Richards said when we are asked to do any thing we should always do it asked how many of us are prepared to obey the counsel that we have received from Sister Snow stated how much need we have to be watchful more particular in our words and also before our little ones referred to Sister Snow saying our young Sisters looked energetic thought they had got a great deal from the Mothers. [. . .] [n.p.]

Source Note

North Willow Creek Ward, Box Elder Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1868–1983), vol. 1 (1868–1973), n.p., CHL (LR 10189 14); Hannah B. Cook, Secretary.

See also Mary Ann Hubbard and Hannah Cook, “R. S. Reports,” Woman’s Exponent 4, no. 6 (15 Aug. 1875): 42.

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27 July 1875, Willard Relief Society; Willard Schoolhouse, Willard, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1875/07/1875-07-27