28 December 1880

Santa Clara Relief Society; Santa Clara, Utah Territory

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Prest Lydia K. McLellen [McClellan] made a few opening remarks did not wish to occopy the time as Sisters Eliza & Zina [D. H. Young] are present, & we shall be glad to hear there words

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Sister Eliza R [Snow] Smith desired the prayers of the Saints, She said without the Sperit of God she could not edify true Latterday Saints, Women have Great responcibilitys resting upon them, a Mother must make her home happy & plesent for her children, & <have> a kind word for her Husband when he comes home tired from his Labors, & not annoy him with her little troubles, God has given us an organization, The Prophet Joseph [Smith] said the the Church of Christ always had an organization Simelar to the Relief Society, a reccord is kept on earth, another in heaven which we must meet [p. 49] the reccords on earth may be imperfect, but God & the reccorder in heaven knows what we have done, by our works we shall be Judged, a Sister dreamed she died, & went to be Judged but found nothing on the records for or against her, and was sent back to this earth to remain 40 years longer to see if she could do somthing good, in the begining Woman was created as a help meet to man, Prest [Brigham] Young when addressing a relief Society remarked what does my eyes behold (a congragation of Eves) Joseph the Prophet said every faithfull man & woman would stand at the head of a world, step by step we advance, when we come togather don’t be mutes say something to help another if its only to bare testimony, the only way to be safe is never to shrink from a duty if ever so small for it opens the door for evil, there is no duty but what can be performed, let the Mothers be very carefull of the children teach them faith so that they can live in the midst of pestalence, the Primarys are very necesary the Mothers should cooperate with the Prest of the Association, the Lord has revieled [revealed] organizations for the Young, strive for the faith once delivered to the Saints, don’t fear but have faith, no asurance that we shall always set under our own vine & figg tree Awake up, don’t ask the Lord to humble us but humble ourselves, Search our hearts & see what is the leading thoughts, what is death it is sweat [sweet] to a Saint, we have meny [many] friends on the other side, what a Joy when the Sperit goes out if we have lived right, & meet Father. Mother. Brother Sister. Husband & Wife Sacred ties, what is heaven without little children, this earth would be a dismel place without them, if we loose Salvation we loose all, glad the Sisters have had trials & born them them with fortitude we, should be more thankfull for trials than for good times, never revenge speak kind & strengthen one another, there is 2 kinds of symtathy [sympathy] one strengthens the other weakens, when [p. 50] a Sister tells you her troubles are very great ask her if she can’t stand what others has endured, Instruct her to acknowledge the hand of the Lord in all things be carefull not to revenge let us guard our lips & overcome, the Sister that is punctual to her Dutys will be prospered, it makes her cheerfull & her home is happy, a house without the Sperit of God is a dolefull place, the Relief Society should settle there own evils & not trouble the Bretheren with there follys the Relief Society is for a help to the Bishop, the Prophet Joseph Smith said the Sisters had a right to administer to the sick,1 the heavens are on the side of of this people & we ask no odds of the world when we have the favor of God, we should love money to build up Zion not for our own Agrandizment, read the Book of Mormon and the Book of Doc & covinants and learn the precious word, if the Book of Mormon produced money the candles would never go out at night,— But these Books contain the words of eternial life, a Teacher in the Relief Society Should have the Sperit of God to cheer up the drooping Sperit and warm the heart that is cold, wash & anoint the sick, be sure that you seal the washing & anointing that the blessing may not fail to be realized,—

Sister Eliza finished her remarks in Tongues wherein she sayed the gifts of the Gospel are with you if you will wake from your lethargy will you do your dutys, also pronounced a blessing upon William McBride & said he would do a great work among the Lamanites,— The Tongue was interpreted by Sister Zina D Smith

[. . .] Sister Eliza R Smith spoke of the Brigham Young Academy, she said it was the [p. 51] only Zion Institution there is, they stand in need of money to get impliments for the study of Chemistry, if the Relief Society of this place can assist it will be acceptable

[. . .] [p. 52]

Source Note

Santa Clara Ward, St. George Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1868–1973), vol. 3 (1873–1893), pp. 49–52, CHL (LR 8065 14).

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28 December 1880, Santa Clara Relief Society; Santa Clara, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed March 9, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1880s/1880/12/1880-12-28


  1. [1]See “Women’s Spiritual Gifts” in Historical Context.