24 October 1881
Morgan Stake Primary; South Morgan Schoolhouse, Morgan, Utah Territory

South Morgan schoolhouse, Morgan, Utah Territory. (Used by permission, Morgan County Historical Society.)
[Editorial Note: This discourse was reported in several sources. Two versions are transcribed below. For more information, see the source note following each transcript.]
I. From the Stake Primary Minutes
Sister [Harriet N.] Welch, the Prest; not being present by request of Rachael Robison Sister E. R. Snow Smith presided. & called the meeting to order. [. . .] Sister Snow spoke on Prayer and instructed the children how to pray. & said they must pray in faith.
[. . .]
Sister Snow spoke of the great good that the primaries were doing and that the young should learn how to behave that they may appear as gentlemen & ladies in society.
[. . .]
Prayer by E. R. Snow Smith [p. 4]
Source Note
Morgan Utah Stake, Primary Association Minutes and Records (1880–1970), vol. 1 (1880–1906), p. 4, CHL (LR 5777 18).
II. From the Woman’s Exponent
[. . .] Sister Eliza informs us it was a most interesting time. The children manifested great improvement and delighted the sisters greatly with their intelligent rendering of exercises. Sister Eliza asked the children all the questions contained in one of the chapters of the new book just out, “Bible Questions and Answers.” They were greatly entertained by it, and their little faces brightened up and their eyes sparkled with the pleasant pastime. [. . .] [p. 84]
Source Note
“Conference at Morgan,” Woman’s Exponent 10, no. 11 (1 Nov. 1881): 84.