18 April 1868
Salt Lake City Thirteenth Ward Relief Society; Edwin D. Woolley Residence, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory

Edwin D. Woolley’s home, left, located north of the Salt Lake City Social Hall, circa 1858. (Courtesy Church History Library.)
Record of the Organization of the Female Relief Society of the 13th Ward, Salt Lake City
[. . .]
The Bishop [Edwin D. Woolley] made some very interesting remarks, relative to the organization about to be formed. Said he had been slow with regard to the Society—that he had not felt the spirit of it until he had heard the remarks of President [Brigham] Young expressed at the last Conference—that it was not his habit to be in a hurry in his movements—did <not> wish the Sisters to rush in their movements, but <be> cool and deliberate. He said in the organization he wished to select such Sisters for Officers, as would listen to his counsel, and carry out such <measures> as he should suggest from time to time.
The Bishop continued by saying that if the Sisters needed assistance the Brethren would be on hand to help—that he did not wish [p. 1] them to perform heavy and laborious duties, such as would tax their strength &c—he wished them to go to work—to make their own clothing and establish such fashions for dress as would be becoming for the Saints and not subject themselves to imitate fashions which are invented and worn by dishonorable women of the world &c &c [. . .] [p. 2] [. . .]
The Bishop then invited Miss E R Snow to make remarks, when she arose and addressed the Sisters present, by saying that this Society has much for its encouragement in the kind remarks of the Bishop and also in combining a great amount of ability—that inasmuch as the Sisters keep humble, and united, there is nothing to prevent their doing much good, and becoming truly a model Society, as suggested by the Bishop &c.
[. . .] [p. 3]
Source Note
Thirteenth Ward, Ensign Stake, Thirteenth Ward Relief Society Minutes and Records (1868–1906), vol. 1 (1868–1898), pp. 1–3, CHL (LR 6133 14); William S. Godbe, Secretary. (Also available as “Salt Lake City Thirteenth Ward Relief Society, Minutes, April 18, 1868,” First Fifty Years of Relief Society website, Church History Department, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, published 2017, churchhistorianspress.org.)
See also R. C. Atwood, “Sketch of the F. R. Society,” Woman’s Exponent 14, no. 2 (15 June 1885): 13.