7 November 1870

Bountiful Relief Society; Bountiful Tabernacle, Bountiful, Utah Territory

Tabernacle in Bountiful, Utah, circa 1900

Tabernacle in Bountiful, Utah, circa 1900. (Courtesy Church History Library.)

[. . .]

Sister Eliza Snow than addressed the meeting as follows, I feel it a pleasure to address my Sisters not that I feel capable, but because we all occupy a responsible position in these last days,—I wish to speak to the young as well as old, had it been our lot to live in previous dispansation our lot would be very different, if we are only wemen our duties are of great importance.

Though we do not like the Ladies of the world [p. 152] Claim equal preveleges with the Men.

For God after the fall placed Wemen in subservience to the Men, not to be ruled with a rod of Iron but by love and affection.

For before the fall the Lord gave conjointley to both but after the Fall Man and Woman had her Orders given seperately, and it has never been reversed, and never will be till the Curse is taken off.1

My Sisters we are placed in a position so that the Curse may be recalled by obedience, for it will be by obedience, and by fulfilling that law, that we shall be called forth to a State of glory.

Though we may feel humiliated, yet the Lord has shown a way to come out of that, So that we can enjoy perfect union again.

For union will be restored between Man and Woman But we have to labour, and work, to atain [attain] the way god has marked out for us, and if we obey, we are as sure to gain it as we are sure that the Sun will rise and set.

The nearer we live to god, the greater will be our reward.

I am speaking to the young, to the Middle aged and to the aged.

I have experienced a great deal since I have been in this church, but my feet have never been alowed to go astray, and I thank my Father in heaven for it. I wish to speak to my young Sisters that have been born in this Church <they> have a great deal to learn. Some of them think but little of the Relief Society. I am sorry for it, for it is calculated not only to relieve the Poor, but comfort the People, and be a blessing to ourselves. [p. 153]

I can see that those that have been faithfull have been blessed, and would not sell their experience for all the gold in California, and it will be a treasure laid up in the Courts of heaven.

Many may not feel an interest in meeting together, but it is an order of the Priesthood and we should obey, for it is by obedience that we shall recieve the blessing, obedience is better than sacrifice, for we are imortal beings, we are not children of a day or of an hour, we had an existence before we came here, and according to our actions shall we recieve the blessings.

It is the preveledge [privilege] of everyone to do good while we are upon the earth. Some may say I do all the good that I can, but who knows of it.

I say Sisters there is a record kept in heaven and it will be brought forth in the day of Judgement.

It is necesary that we should live so as to have the spirit of God, for their are so many lying spirits abroad, and deceiving the People that it makes my heart bleed for those that forsake the truth. Some loose the Spirit of God by fretting some by grieving, but the Spirit of God is peace and joy.

It is true that we have to pass through scenes of sorrow, but we should not give way to grief, nor find fault with one another we should enjoy a spirit of comfort and consolation and we should so live that we can have faith in one another, and live so that we can enjoy our religion, and be faithful, and feel that the Spirit of God abrobates [approbates] us. [p. 154]

As to the Relief Society I am not much Posted, I believe you are doing pretty well. If you are faithful, the blessings are for you the time is hastening on and it is not a triffling thing, when I first embraced this work I knew that I had to lay all at the feet of God.

And I feel so to day, when I first heard of the Gospel, it was so good I was afraid it was not true, to think that God had spoken, and that I could enjoy it, it seemed too good for me, and I waited before I joined One night as I lay awake I saw a beautiful light as the light of a candle, and such a feeling of Peace came over me, as I had never had before. And I knew it was a testimony to me.

My young Sisters you do not appreciate the blessings that are opened to you, quit your vanity and folly so as to prepare yourselves for what is in the future, as for us we shall pass away, but the young they have a part to act, and prepare themselves to be Mothers in Zion.

Sisters if we are faithful who can paint our reward, we have the preveledge of becoming Queens and Priestesses unto God, and every thing that our heart desire the Lord has in store for us.

This is the work shop this is the place to prepare ourselves, by doing his will in all things, and honour every Institution that God has revealed to us even to Plurality of wives, and those Sisters that will obey that princeple will be blessed, but those that fight againt it, will loose their Place as Queens and Priestesses.

My Sisters, I feel thankful that I have had [p. 155] a chance to obey that princeple, for if we had no trials, we should not know what we can over come.

I can look back and see things, that tried me than [then] that do not try me now. We are working now as a hired man for his wages, let us continue, and may the Spirit of god be upon you when you rise in the morning and lay down at night. May his Spirit be with you at all times &c.

[. . .] [p. 156]

Sister Snow made the few following remarks on Cooparetion

Sisters we have much to do with Cooparetion it is the Ordar of Enock [Enoch], and those that cannot abide it will loose their exaltation. It is in the leaven it is working now and our salvation depent upon it.

Are we doing all we can to uphold it I hear Some times of my Sisters coming to Salt Lake City and trading with outsiders My Sisters be careful for all these Acts will be recorded againts us. I would rather have a sixpence with the blessing of the Lord, than more without it. Mothers uphold Cooparetion and teach it to your children, teach them to uphold it, never speak lightly of it nor the word of wisdom nor plurality, for if we can only carry out the Order of Enock which is Cooparation, and stand Plurality, we will be prepared to go back to Jackson County. It was there that Man departed from his Maker. It will be there that things will be restored.

Sisters you exercise more influence than you are aware of, it is the small duties, that accomplish large things, try and establish the princeple of light in the minds of your children, she than Counseled the Sisters to dress neat and plain and exercise good taste Counseled them to read the news Papers and good books and the Book of Mormon the more they can study the better, and study the Princeples of the Gospel &c.

Sister [Elizabeth H.] Barlow made a few appropriate remarks, endorsing all that was said. She felt to say may the Lord Bless [p. 157] Sister Snow and Sister [Zina D. H.] Young and may they live long upon the earth

[. . .]

Meeting dismissed by Prayer by Sister Snow

[. . .] [p. 158]

Source Note

Bountiful Ward, Davis Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1868–1878), vol. 1 (1868–1875), pp. 152–158, CHL (LR 924 14); Mary L. Carter, Secretary.

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7 November 1870, Bountiful Relief Society; Bountiful Tabernacle, Bountiful, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed March 9, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1870/11/1870-11-07


  1. [1]See “Eve, Adam, and the Fall” in Historical Context.