15 September 1884

Spring City Relief Society; Spring City, Utah Territory

A Special meeting called on account of Prest. Eliza R. Snow and secitary E. [Emmeline] B. Wells being here

[. . .] Singin O My Father [. . .]

Sr. E. R. S. Smith wished to have the minutes of one meeting read which was done.

Sr. [Mary A.] Frantzen was pleased that we had the privaledge of having Srs. [Eliza R. Snow] Smith & Wells & [Minerva W.] Snow with us this eavining [evening]

[. . .]

Sr. Eliza R. Snow Smith was the firs[t] speaker. The question might arise asked why should a woman rise before a congregation like this while men holding the holy Priesthood should sit on their seats. The answer is woman has her duty to perform as well as man, said that the Prophet Joseph [Smith] said that the R. S. [Relief Society] was not only to releve soul the poor but it was to save souls but if they took the poor off the hand of the Bp [Bishop] it would be a great blessing.

Said there was no time to loose in jealousy and backbiting for the time was at hand when we should live our religion in relation to administering to the sick she wished the Srs. to understand remember to seal the washing and annointing with the laying on of hands without that it would be of no avail said that faith and fear could not dwell in the same heart she spoke at some length and encouraged the Srs. to live their religion & percervere [persevere] in training their children right. Sr. Wells was pleased to see so many here wished to testify to what Sr. E. R. S. Smith had said. hoped the Srs. would try and put her council in practice. [. . .] [p. 126]

Source Note

Spring City Ward, Sanpete North Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1868–1973), vol. 2 (1878–1901), p. 126, CHL (LR 8637 14).

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15 September 1884, Spring City Relief Society; Spring City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed March 9, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1880s/1884/09/1884-09-15-c