22 August 1880

Brigham City Relief Society; Brigham City, Utah Territory

The Sisters of Brigham City were called to gether on Friday last August 22 1880 to receve instructions from Presedent E. R. snow

[. . .]

singing O My Father

[. . .]

PreSt– [President] E– R– Snow

Addresed the Sisters in avary [a very] spirited manner upon the subject of order a[n]d Punctuality order is the firist [first] Principle of Heaven

With out order we cannot pleas[e] God. we want to firist astablish order with ourSelves that we may be able to astablish it in our famalies and in all of our transactions ad our duties to home and a Broad [abroad] never alowing one duty to pass undone we as Sisters are the Daughters of God must learn to keep up every god ad unles we do so we cannot keep the enemei [enemy] out and live so closely to gether that the adversary can not have eny [any] power over us union is strenght

thare [there] is nothing more Beautiful than every Person up to thier duties in the Proper time and season thane [think?] of this every thing works in perfect harmeny. gave much good instruction upon the duties of the R– S. [Relief Society] expla[i]ning clearly their duties

Sister Hariet [Harriet A.] Snow has given the meeting in to my hands but I have no right to conduct a meeting where another Presedent Presides let each Presedent act in her place only the Prophet Joseph smith and Presedent Brigham Young ware [were] vary pictlicler [particular?] in this when they went to viset [visit] thire [their] Bretheren in other placeses [places]

[. . .] [p. 75]

Source Note

Brigham City Fourth Ward, Brigham City Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1878–1973), vol. 1 (1878–1881), p. 75, CHL (LR 991 14).

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22 August 1880, Brigham City Relief Society; Brigham City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed March 9, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1880s/1880/08/1880-08-22