26 May 1879

Glenwood Relief Society; Glenwood Schoolhouse, Glenwood, Utah Territory

[. . .] Ladies on the stand Ms E R Snow and Mrs [Mary Isabella] Horne [. . .]

Sister Horne arose [. . .] [p. 169] [. . .] she wished to hear Sister Snow prayed God to bless us all in the name of Jesus

Sister E R Snow said she was not capabilable [capable] of instructing the saints but she wished the good spirit of God to guide her and she hoped the people here were good latter day saints when she went into the water she did not obey the full gospel of Jesus only a part of it even Jesus did not do all the work allotted him while here but we want to lay a foundation to live better without so much work that we do now. we should try to do without some of the things that we use some that are of no good to our bodies. we should have time to read and feed the mind we should cultivate our minds. she said it was for woman to give stamp and charicter to the child so that it might form its life in the world. we should take a stand to elevate ourselves. she said [p. 170] Raising silk was a mission given by President [Brigham] young to the sisters said there is a[n] agent for this settlement and she must be alive to her mission we want this agent to see that trees are planted every year Joseph Smith said the relief society was for the salvation of souls. there is a great deal done by the sisters towards that end. it is recorded in heaven. she said there is a great responsibility resting on the teachers to fullfill their duty there is a great deal for them to do they must be filled with the spirit of God. they should go in humility before God for his spirit to guide them. for we want to have that spirit to overcome evil. Now it requires us to have that spirit of God with us to Organize the young Sisters. we were laughed at in the begining. the people said what was the use of them to sing and pray but they were prospered. there was no Sunday schools many years ago because the people were so poor and the children were neglected the mind should be stored with knoledge she would sooner a child never see a book than they should be infidels. they must have the principles of the Gospel taught them while young. we must have the spirit of God to assist in all these things when we see things dull we have not that spirit as we ought to have it she had known men fall away from this church through neglecting their prayers. Now as regards laying up wheat that was a Mission laid on the Sisters and she hoped they would fullfill it faithfully she told of a vision <or dream> a young man had he wanted to get rich we thought there was a messenger came to him and told him to follow him he was wafted him along through space he asked him his dearest object in life he said it was to get rich he told him there was a famine coming then a lady came to him with her jewels for bread he had none to give that opened his eyes to his salvation. [p. 171]

Now we have been warned of a famine years ago and we should store up grain. in most places the men help the sisters to build storages for their grain and where they did it they would be blest she had applied in her ward for help and she thought they would help <them>. Now they want the sisters to help to build a hospittal in shares she said it would be a blessing to us. she said she had no intrest in nothing only for this Gospel. that was what she lived for if we had obeyed counsil we would have been rich we should all wear home made hats and bonnets it would save a great amount of means. she had a great objection to sun bonnets she would be glad when she visited us again to see the sun bonnet changed to home made hats. we have God for our father we are his daughters. we have all the means to be queens in our sphere we have much to encourage us to go on in this good work and be loving to one another we should help one another. she was proud of her sisters we must be determined to get into our fathers presence. there is one thing that will exalt us and that is plural mariage do not throw any thing in the way of that principle we must be like Jesus. Humble and mild she was glad she had never said any thing against it. Joshep [Joseph] Smith taught it to Emma [Smith] at length she gave him four wives but he delayed it till an angel came to him with a drawn sword in his hand to take his priest hood from him she knew that a woman in plurial marrage is the happyiest in the world. Sisters never speak against plurial marraige let us live to realize we are his children let us maintain our integrity. for the greatest work that ever was done on [p. 172] this earth is being done at this time.1 she prayed God to Bless us all that we might be faithfull in all things Amen

[. . .] [p. 173]

Source Note

Glenwood Ward, Sevier Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1873–1974), vol. 1 (1873–1881), pp. 169–173, CHL (LR 3227 14).

See also William Morrison, “Sevier Stake Conference,” Deseret News 28, no. 19 (11 June 1879): 290.

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26 May 1879, Glenwood Relief Society; Glenwood Schoolhouse, Glenwood, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed March 9, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1879/05/1879-05-26-b


  1. [1]See “Plural Marriage” in Historical Context.