29 October 1884

Salt Lake City Eighth Ward Young Ladies; Liberty Stake Assembly Rooms, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory

Present, by invitation, sister Eliza R. Snow Smith & sister Elizabeth [A.] Howard.

[. . .]

Pres. [Mary S.] Leaver then arose and said, “we have met today in honor of our Secratary’s birthday and to present her with a quilt made by the ladies of the Association as a token of our love and esteem.”

[. . .]

Sister Eliza Snow Smith said, if there was anyone present who could realize the feelings of the Sec’t’y [Secretary], it was herself; said she had many times been taken by surprise in the same way. Thought the quilt would be kept and preserved as a momento if she lives to be as old as I an [am] which is eighty one. I have many momentoes which are worth more to me than gold.

was pleased to here that this picnic & meeting [p. 242] was gotten up in honor of the Sect’y’s birthday; was pleased to see we had a secratary who was worthy the esteem of the society felt gratified to see so many young ladies take an interest in any thing of this kind. Exhorted the young laidies to learn all they could upon every subject and what you do not know, try and learn and ask help of your heavenly Father.

I understand that some of the wards wished all to meet together; the young men and ladies, but I am pleased to hear that you have decided to meet seperately for there are many things the young sisters should know and should be taught in this meeting that would not be wise to talk about before members of the other sex.

Exhorted the young ladies to be prayerful and at all times to act like ladies.

Pres [Mary A.] Freeze felt as sister Snow did in regard to the surprise [. . .] [p. 243] [. . .]

Sister Snow Smith wished to speak a half minute. I wish to give you two rules, Young ladies, never go any places where you cannot ask your heavenly Father to be with you, and never do any thing unless you can ask his blessings upon it.

[. . .] [p. 244]

Source Note

Eighth Ward, Liberty Stake, Young Women’s Mutual Improvement Association Minutes and Records (1870–1966), vol. 2 (1879–1886), pp. 242–244, CHL (LR 2525 17).

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29 October 1884, Salt Lake City Eighth Ward Young Ladies; Liberty Stake Assembly Rooms, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed March 9, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1880s/1884/10/1884-10-29