27 February 1885
Utah Central Stake Relief Society; Provo Meetinghouse, Provo, Utah Territory

Provo meetinghouse, Provo, Utah Territory, circa 1865. (Provo Meetinghouse, Provo Photographs [MSS P 613 #68], L. Tom Perry Special Collections, Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah.)
[. . .] President Mary [W.] John presiding. Counselors Rhoda Lyman and Emily G Cluff present. Also. sisters E. R. Snow. and Lucy W Kimball.
[. . .] Sister E. R. S. Smith the first speaker, said she was pleased to behold the faces of the sisters of Utah County was interested in hearing the reports. The labors of the sisters are astonishing, and the amount of money they handle. We are persecuted, but we are not alarmed; we have been through persecutions before; we are used to it. There is no justice for us. Satan is trying to distroy the government of God from off the earth; he knows his time is short. We are in a school, being educated for the presence of the Lord. We need to examine ourselves, to see if we are obeying all the commands of God. If we wish to be crowned we must be faithful. I had rather my life would be taken than deny one principle of our faith. I feel to bless you, for you are blessed.
[. . .] [p. 160]
Sister Snow Smith said. When we arise to speak we need not say we feel weak it is natural; we should not boast of our strength. These societies will be glorious. We stand as helpmeets to the Priesthood. What sort of people should we be? At the head of all womankind; It is enough to humble us to the earth The hand of the Lord is apparent in these persecutions and He will overrule them for our good; our greatest trials often become our greatest blessings. Let us pray without ceasing, we can lift up our hearts to him in prayer while at work. We want to educate our children spiritually mentally and morally, that they may become men and women of God, ets
[. . .] [p. 161]
Source Note
Provo Utah Central Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1878–1973), vol. 2 (1878–1891), pp. 160–161, CHL (LR 9629 14); Caroline R. Daniels, Secretary.
See also Caroline Daniels, “R. S., Y. L. M. I. A. & P. A. Reports: Utah Stake,” Woman’s Exponent 13, no. 20 (15 Mar. 1885): 159–160.