27 July 1885

Cache Stake Primary; Hyrum, Utah Territory

[. . .]

Sister Eliza R. Snow Smith addressed the meeting said I am happy to see you all look so well in join in the singing there is no singing as sweet as that of primary children, and we must all be good children. wished all the children to sing, “In Our Lovely Deseret.”

President Jane E. Molen asked the children how many knew who had addressed us. just think little children we have the priveledge of having the prophets wife to teach us. [. . .] [p. 24]

[. . .] Prayer by sister Eliza R. S. Smith repeated in consert by the children. [. . .] [p. 25]

[. . .] Sister Eliza R. S. Smith then addressed the children said I always respond to the call of the children, these Primary meetings are to improve the children and prepare them to go on missions, gave each boy and girl a mission, to bring a boy or girl with them to meeting. those who are not in the habit of attending. encouraged all the presidents not to stop their meetings but keep them up if there is but one attends urged the boys to learn to sing.

Said if I was sick I would just as soon have one of you boys to adminster to as to have your fathers, if you are trying to do right. I want you to have mighty faith to pray night and morning. If I should speak in tounges you would not make light of it would you.

I want you to pray for me.

Spoke in two different tounges—after which Jane Molen said she was very sorry that some one has not the gift of Interpretation [. . .] [p. 26]

Source Note

Logan Utah Cache Stake, Primary Association Minutes and Records (1881–1973), vol. 1 (1881–1911), pp. 24–26, CHL (LR 1280 18).

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27 July 1885, Cache Stake Primary; Hyrum, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed March 9, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1880s/1885/07/1885-07-27