20 September 1875

Mound Fort Relief Society; Ogden, Utah Territory

[. . .]

Sister [Susan M.] Moore then said I am thankful to see so many hear [here] to day I was in hopes the house would be full to hear what Instruction Sister Snow and others had to give to us [. . .]

Sister Horn [Mary Isabella Horne] then said Sisters I am pleased to have the privlige of meeting with you Alothough [Although] it is storming I dont think that should keep us from our meetings A little rain will not keep Sister Snow from comming to meeting [. . .] [p. 69] [. . .] [p. 70]

Sister Eliza Snow

Then said I want you to tell the sisters that have not come to meeting to day that Sister Eliza walk[ed] all the way to the depot in a storm. and next January she will be seventy two years of age

We profess to be latter day saints and the time came when we canst live as we have been livening [living] We cannot be women of the world and saints of god to[o]. We have gon[e] to sleep We have deveted [devoted] our time to parishable things Their [There] are many of the saints that say thay cannot a ford [afford] to go to meeting. Once in two weeks.

As Indviduls [Individuals] we can choose for ourselv[es] who we will surve It is very Important that we take those things Into consederation How much time we spend for our Mortel boddes [bodies]? We cannot go a day with out somthing to eat It is Just the same with our spirits we nead to fead our spirits Just as we do our boddes let us live for God Should we have any desire to pattern after the women of the world Afue [a few] years a go I could tell A Stranger. but. It is not so now.

The Lord as called us out of babylon. If we were living up to our dutey, We could be distingu[i]shed any where

She spoke of the Intrest the Young Sisters were Taking in the Meetings in Salt Lake City and hoped the Young Laddies [Ladies] hear [here] were not so foolish as to follow after worl[dl]y fasshons she said she would like all presant to stand up who had on home made straw hat on A mojourty [majority] stood up. In going Around for Subscriptions for silk mechinery [machinery] We went to the rich.  [p. 71]

Those that could aford to give. would thay Give No? It is not to make monney that We are dowing [doing] this but to B[u]ild up Zion Spoke of the Silk mechenary for wid[e] Cloth as well as rubben <ribbon> We have aranged It so that you can take Sharis [shares] The Sharis are five Dollers. Each Sister will have what ever she gives credited to her name and when she wants to make it up to a share she will have the privlige of dowing [doing] so

I have no dou[b]t but some time It will be A paying Institution. We are Slav[e]s to Bab[y]lon If we do not stop short and take A differant course we will have to suffer for it We have not Hearkened enough to the Councal [counsel] of Presedant [Brigham] Young.

Make all the home made hats you can you can make them as good as the Imported ones. My Father and Brothers had yeust [used] to were [wear] home made hats and I had yeused to make them for them to were [wear]

Meet often you will feel better Bring your children with you to meeting with you Children never annoy me

The Lord [h]as called us to asist the Breathren Every wife should stand as a counc[i]lor to her Husband but not as a Dictater. Now my Sisters we have to work out our own salvation or we can never attain to the full Gloury of God my prayer is that God will bless the Sisters of this place Amen [p. 72]

Sister Jain [Jane] S Richards well Sisters we have been list[en]ing to what I should call a big surmen [sermon] We cannot be perfect all at once I sometimes think If we had Sister Eliza with us all the time. We would be better let us try and put In practice what we have hurd [heard] to day. [. . .]

Sister Bingam [Martha Bingham] said I did not Expect to talk this Afternoon. Sister Snow has Expressed my feelings better then I could [. . .] [p. 73]

Source Note

Mound Fort Ward, Weber Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1874–1908), vol. 1 (1874–1884), pp. 69–73, CHL (LR 11968 14); Annie D. Taylor, Secretary.

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20 September 1875, Mound Fort Relief Society; Ogden, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1875/09/1875-09-20