30 May 1884

Utah Central Stake Relief Society; Provo, Utah Territory

[. . .] Counselor Mary John Presiding, with Counselor Rhoda Lyman present. and Sisters Snow, Horn [Mary Isabella Hales Horne] and [Lucy W.] Kimball from Salt Lake City.

[. . .]

Sister Snow Smith said I want to mention one thing that has pleased me this morning. No one has wasted time in apologizing. Blessed Sister [Rhoda] Lyman in her first attempt at speaking; said the Lord would bless and strengthen her and make her to rejoice and shout Hosanna. The spirit of God is in our midst—we are all missionaries sent from the eternal worlds. If the vail could be withdrawn and we could see the blessings pronounced upon us before we came here, we would rejoice. We should cultivate the comforter in our hearts [p. 148] and obey the counsels of those in Authority. We did not come here just for our own comfort, but to do good to others, speak a comforting word to the sorrowing, raise up the bowed down. a fitting word of reproof often accomplishes great good. gave much more good advice and counsel

[. . .]

Afternoon Session [. . .] Sister E. R. S. Smith spoke for a short time. Said I often think we underate ourselves considering the great work we have to perform, to assist in the salvation of the living and the dead; to lift the curse that was placed upon woman and bring her back to her original position, and to assist in redeeming the earth and lift it to its former place near to the home of our Father. Never has woman occupied so important position—to purify ourselves to return back into the presence of our Father and become joint heirs with Jesus Christ. Can we Comprehend it? How many of us today have faith enough to receive our dead to life again, or to go into a fiery furnace? Let us keep our standing and duties before us and we will be prepared for anything. Let our enemies do their worst they cannot do more than God will let them. There will be a time when the sinner in zion will tremble. Let us do everything with an eye single to the glory of God. [p. 149]

Source Note

Provo Utah Central Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1878–1973), vol. 2 (1878–1891), pp. 148–149, CHL (LR 9629 14); Caroline C. Daniels, Secretary.

See also C. Daniels, “R. S., Y. L. M. I. A. & P. A. Reports: Provo, Utah Stake,” Woman’s Exponent 13, no. 6 (15 Aug. 1884): 46–47.

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30 May 1884, Utah Central Stake Relief Society; Provo, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed March 9, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1880s/1884/05/1884-05-30