16 July 1880

Davis Stake Primary; East Bountiful Meetinghouse, Bountiful, Utah Territory

[Editorial Note: This discourse was reported in two different sources. Both versions are transcribed below. For more information, see the source note following each transcript.]

I. From the Davis Stake Primary Minutes

[. . .] By request of Sister Eliza R Snow the children of Bountiful and Centreville wards met together.

[. . .]

[. . .] Sing—O My Father thou that dwellest &c.

Sr Eliza then told the children that this was their meeting, and asked them if they would not like to be organized into a Stake Capacity and have Sister Aurelia [S.] Rogers for their President? Which was answered in the Affirmative. She then wanted some of the children to make a motion to that effect, which they did and others seconded it. A vote was then taken that Mrs. Aurelia S. Rogers be chosen to preside over the Primary Associations of the Davis County Stake of Zion. Which was unanimously accepted.—

[. . .]

Sr. Snow asked the children some questions Why we could not see God? ans. because we are not good enough. When does he see us? ans. all the time. She asked them if they ever laid hands on the sick? and if they prayed for the sick. She then related an incident in the life of Joseph Smith, at one time he had to have a guard day and night to keep him from his enemies, one evening he happened to go to a house where the children were holding meeting. and he overheard them praying for him. He went home and dismissed his guards telling them that he was sure of a good nights rest. for the children had been praying for him. She asked them who should be the Doctor of the Latter Day Saints? ans. The Lord, told of a man who had his arm broken, and was healed by [p. 1] faith. Said long ago little boys used to lay hands on the sick and they would get well. Told of a circumstance in S. L. [Salt Lake] City of a Mother who was very sick, and alone with her two little boys. the younger boy said he would go for the Elders, but the older boy said he could administer to her, himself the younger boys faith in his brothers administration was not sufficient so off he ran, and while he was gone the older boy had laid hands on his mother and she was sleeping when the Elders came. The speaker then closed her remarks by telling the little boys and girls who attend the Primary meetings to be good and useful learn to take minutes, &c

[. . .] [p. 2] [. . .]

Sr. Eliza spoke a few words more upon prayer and faith referring to Daniel in the Lions den, said these children might grow up to be like those of old, who had such great faith in God, children keep pure, live good lives, that you may become Prophets and Prophetesses. And blessed them in the name of Jesus of Nazereth.

[. . .] [p. 3]

Source Note

Davis Stake, Primary Association Minutes and Records (1878–1915), vol. 2 (1880–1904), pp. 1–3, CHL (LR 2160 18); Aurelia S. Rogers, Secretary.

See also “R. S. Reports,” Woman’s Exponent 9, no. 7 (1 Sept. 1880): 55 [53]–54.

II. From the East Bountiful Primary Minutes

[. . .]

Singing O my father thou that dwelist [dwellest]

Sister E. R. Snow Asked the School some very Appropriate remarks

[. . .] [p. 72] [. . .]

Sister E. R. Snow Says she felt pleased to meet with the Children and to see so meany [many] plesent faces before me. It pleases me to see your parents come to these little meetings. She also asked the boys if they had ever laid hands on the sick if eny [any] of you are sick pray to our heavenly father and he will heel you and pray fore one another. She told of a man that had his arm smashed and some of the elders adminstered to him and he was healed. She Counciled them not to use tobacco or strong drink Children do these things and the lord will bless you

[. . .]

Sister E. R Snow made a few more remarks

[. . .] [p. 73]

Source Note

East Bountiful Ward, Davis Stake, Primary Association Minutes and Records (1879–1904), vol. 1 (1879–1884), pp. 72–73, CHL (LR 2399 18); Olive C. Sessions, Secretary.

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16 July 1880, Davis Stake Primary; East Bountiful Meetinghouse, Bountiful, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1880s/1880/07/1880-07-16-b