4 December 1881

South Jordan First Ward Relief Society;1 South Jordan Meetinghouse, South Jordan, Utah Territory

[. . .] Sister Eliza R Snow Smith Addressed the Congre[g]ation and Asked for the prayers of the Saints and aske[d] the Lord for that Spirit that binds our hearts as one. Said we should be a peccular [peculiar] people free from its evil practices when she went into the waters of Ba[p]tism did not understand then as now that she was one of them Spirits held in reserve to come forth in these last days said we need to double our dilegence and live nearer to god if we did not we would be found deficeint and it required us to work here especialy the relief Society for they had a great work to perform for it involved upon the Relief Societys to help the Bishops and Comfort and relieve the poor and Save Souls and watch Closely against Pride anything that would disunite and not to hold feelings for if any one spoke evil of us it did not injure us for it was them that was to be pittied for every one that does wrong intentionly has a bill to settle some day but we all had the powers of darkness to meet. Said we often Sung that Zion was free but Zion could not be free while we are depending on Babylion for so much of our apparel and every sister that raised and made something of home Manufacture had done something towards making Zion free. [p. 94]

Spoke of Storeing grain and said we [had] no Claim on the wheat after we had given it to the Lord and it was not <to> be touched till the Lord Called for it. Hoped we might attain to the Highest glory that was in the Courts above.

Sister Emiline [Emmeline B.] Wells [. . .] felt favored of the Lord to sit under the instruction of Sister Eliza Also felt that we Appreciated it [. . .] [p. 95]

Source Note

First Ward, South Jordan Utah Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1869–1970), vol. 1 (1869–1915), pp. 94–95, CHL (LR 8513 14); Emma Holt, Secretary.

See also “Editorial Notes,” Woman’s Exponent 10, no. 14 (15 Dec. 1881): 108.

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4 December 1881, South Jordan First Ward Relief Society;1 South Jordan Meetinghouse, South Jordan, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed March 9, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1880s/1881/12/1881-12-04-a


  1. [1]Although this discourse is recorded in the Relief Society minute book, Snow spoke to the South Jordan ward meeting following the sacrament. (See “Editorial Notes,” Woman’s Exponent 10, no. 14 [15 Dec. 1881]: 108.)