25 November 1869

Salt Lake City Fifteenth Ward Relief Society; Fifteenth Ward Relief Society Hall, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory

Women, men, and children stand in front of the two-story Fifteenth Ward Relief Society Hall

Salt Lake City Fifteenth Ward Relief Society Hall, dedicated August 1869. This photograph, date unknown, was published in 1893.

[. . .] Sister Snow being called upon addressed the Meeting. Said we should act upon the Principle of alway being ready for whatever we were called upon to perform. [n.p.] Thought this Society had improved much since its organization Said that improvement should be the watchword of the Saints, that we should strive to advance in all that elevates and purifies.

We see and realize our faults and failings so much, that perfection seems out of the ques impossible but that we had the right starting point, and should ever strive to keep in the advance. Spoke of the unbelief and ignorance concerning the work of God existing with the strangers in our midst, and how we are blessed in the knowledge we possess, concerning the Latter day work, that little by little we gain the victory over the powers of darkness and gain eternal life wisdom, that the wealth of the world was nothing in comparison to improvement in cultivating ourselves, the wealth of the world would perish but wisdom and knowledge were eternal. Spoke of the interest those in the Spirit world felt in our behalf, and as we were faithful, they were made to rejoice. Spoke of Spiritual Communion. Spoke of having visited several branches of the great F R [Female Relief] Society & of the Spirit of union prevailing at Mount Pleasant. Spoke of the magnitude of the work Pres [Brigham] Young expects of the Societies. [n.p.] Said that relieving the wants of the poor was a sacred mission, but this was secondary to the spiritual, and moral influence that should be exercised by the Sisters, on Woman in a great measure depends the character of our Statesmen, and the character of nations. Said that Woman should try to fill faithfully and honor the position God had placed her in. It is Woman that does, or should form the character of every child both for time and eternity, that we should cultivate our minds and manners and elevate our feeling, & should hold them subject to judgement, try <to> do right and good and pleasant feelings will follow our efforts. When a duty stands before us to perform never stop to think if we have the ability or not, but do our best and God will never fail us. Call our abilities into action and they will increase and strengthen. Spoke of the Trials of life we came here to gain an experience and learn the sweet by the bitter. Spoke of the blessing and glory of resurected beings who had gained the victory over all evil and obtained eternal life. Spoke of aposticy as not the work of a day but a gradual darkness arising from neglected duties we should strive always to have with us the Spirit of God that it was of more [n.p.] value than the wealth of the world. Spoke of the works of this Society, said the more we do the more we have, and the more we give the richer we grow—true riches that which we can take beyond the Grave, said when in trouble we should seek those who would strengthen and give good council, and that when we gain the victory over ourselves we will not have so many trials, we should strive to overcome every evil and attain unto perfect womanhood.

Sister Zina [D. H.] Young made a few remarks, spoke of the valuable instructions we had received from Sister Snow. [. . .]

Bro Elias Morris said he was pleased to meet with us, was pleased to meet with the Organization of the Relief Societies Throughout the Territory. Spoke of the teachings of Sister Snow and Young Spoke of the influence of the Societies for good or evil and of the influence of Mothers in forming the Character of their children. [. . .] [n.p.]

Source Note

Fifteenth Ward, Salt Lake Stake, Relief Society Minutes (1868–1869), n.p., CHL (LR 2848 32).

See also Fifteenth Ward, Salt Lake Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1868–1968), vol. 1 (1868–1873), pp. 134–136, CHL (LR 2848 14).

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25 November 1869, Salt Lake City Fifteenth Ward Relief Society; Fifteenth Ward Relief Society Hall, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed March 9, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1860s/1869/11/1869-11-25