19 June 1872

Farmington Relief Society; Farmington Meetinghouse, Farmington, Utah Territory

Single-story, stone meetinghouse, Farmington, Utah, circa 1900

Farmington meetinghouse, Farmington, Utah, circa 1900. (Courtesy Church History Library)

[. . .]

Presidentess Mrs, [Sarah I.] Holmes said she would not take up the time as She would like to hear from the Sisters from Salt Lake City.

Miss Eliza R. Snow then addressed the congregation.

Said she had been listening with interest to the report of the teachers and was happy to think so many were interested.

She knew the Sisters had many home duties to attend to but this was not all, they should meet together often, and as it was a day of labor and woman had her portion to perform, let them step forward make themselves useful (however they might feel their inability) and cultivate those germs of inteligence that God had implanted within them. Said some think light of a woman taking public duties but we should assist our brethren, be united with them and we can be a help to each other. Always listen to the counsel of those in authority for if we want to do the will of God we must acknowledgde his Servants, for God saves people on the plan of obedience. Refered to the Sisters progress in this Society, contrasted the times now to what they were a few years ago. Spoke of the minutes that had been read as being well prepared, and of the donations how a little would in time make a great deal. Said we Should try and save the souls of men, especially our children and of their being influenced by the world said the fault was greatly with [p. 153] their Mothers, they did not commence early enough as the foundation should be laid when very young. Women have name of indulging in idle talk of saying things that will make mischief or hurt anothers feelings, which we should try and avoid, for if we cannot say anything good about a person say nothing at all.

If we go into a neighbors house and find any one low spirited or in trouble, cheer them up speak a good word to them and never weary in well doing for the Lord loves a cheerful Saint. Said home duties were the first to perform and the woman that could do them well bring up her children as they should be was indeed a noble person. Thought the trials we have could be diminished, though trials were necessary for it was apt to stir up this fallen nature of ours till we learned to know ourselves, and when we have overcome some of our weaknesses how good we feel to think we have gained a victory. She did not think it worth while to tell all of our pains and aches.

Felt to encourage the Sisters of this Society and was well satisfied with their officers, as far as she could see they were doing well, but it might be with them as it was with other Societies a few had the work to do, if it was the case she hoped in the future the Sisters would all take hold and do their part for the time would come when our Father in Heaven would give out his inheritance then each would want a share

There were some items she would like to mention one in regard to Temple clothing which was a very important one. She advised the Prest. [Presidentess] to have a suit made for a pattern that any who wished could have theirs made correctly

Spoke of how to partake the Sacrement, saying we should always take the glove off the right hand, and that the stopple [stopper or plug] should be taken from a bottle of Oil before it was consecrated, also when at the table the covers should be taken from the dishes before a blessing was asked. &c.

Mrs. Persinda [Presendia L.] Kimball [. . .] [p. 154] Felt to sanction what Sr. Snow had said. &c. [. . .]

Speeches were then made by Elders [. . .] Three of the brethren then donated some money toward buying the suit of Temple clothes spoken of. [. . .]

Prest. Holmes then made a few remarks on the good feeling that had been manifested and the pleasure it had given her to have our Sisters from S. L. City with us and motioned we give them a vote of thanks which was responded to by all present. [. . .] [p. 155]

Source Note

Farmington Ward, Davis Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1868–1951), vol. 1 (1868–1878), pp. 153–155, CHL (LR 2816 14); Aurelia S. Rogers, Secretary.

See also “F. R. Society Reports,” Woman’s Exponent 1, no. 4 (15 July 1872): 26.

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19 June 1872, Farmington Relief Society; Farmington Meetinghouse, Farmington, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed March 9, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1872/06/1872-06-19