13 July 1880
Draper Primary; Draper Meetinghouse, Draper, Utah Territory

The original Draper meetinghouse, prior to being replaced by a new meetinghouse in 1892. (Courtesy Utah Historical Markers and Draper Historical Society.)
[. . .]
There were present on the stand Bp [Bishop] I [Isaac] M Stewart, Sisters Eliza R Snow, E [Emmeline] B Wells, and [Mary Isabella] Horne and others.
Sister E. R. Snow asked the children who is the Doctor for the saints. (ans [answer] by the children) The Lord. She also asked them how administration to the sick should be attended to. Ans. With the anointing of oil <by the Elders> and the laying on of their hands. She said the Lord desired little children to speak of his goodness and live so they could bear their testimony to this being the Kingdom of God; asked who desired to be organized into the Primary Association at which all the children present responded by raising their right hands; and also asked the children who is Bp. of this Ward. (ans by them I. M Stewart) [p. 1]
She asked them who they wanted for their President and would they prefer the Bishop making the nomination, which was heartily essented [assented] to by their saying, yes.
[. . .]
Many questions were asked and much good instruction was given by Sisters E. R. Snow and E. B. Wells.
[. . .] [p. 2]
Source Note
Draper Ward, Jordan Stake, Primary Records (1880–1889), vol. 1, pp. 1–2, CHL (LR 2325 23); Leah J. Day, Secretary.
See also “Home Affairs,” Woman’s Exponent 9, no. 4 (15 July 1880): 28–29; and Draper Ward, East Jordan Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1868–1935), vol. 3s (1873, 1875–1876, 1879–1882), n.p., CHL (LR 2325 14).