27 June 1883

Salt Lake City Third Ward Relief Society; Third Ward Relief Society House, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory

A white building with stairs up to the front door and tall, arched windows

Salt Lake City Third Ward meetinghouse, circa 1877. Photograph by Charles R. Savage.

[. . .]

Mrs Eliza R. Snow.

I know how Sister Horn [Mary Isabella Hales Horne] feels about our organizations, but the first duty of our Women are at home, and wether it is a happy one or not, depends upon the Mother, and the happiness of the children depends upon the Mother, the children who live in Zion have been neglected in a great measure. She wants to commence with Honesty, if she wants a child of honour she must plant it in her child, when it grows older, it is so cunning to hear them say things that are not true—no man or woman will enter into a fullness if they are dishonest. Let a mother so live, that her children can have confidence in her. Does the mother pay her Tithing? Pres [Brigham] Young once said, he had made one mistake—he had paid his Wives Tithing—they ought to have paid their own Tithing.

What a joy to a mother when her children are growing up in the fear of God. The Primary associations are to help the Mother. if the President of the Primary associations wants to attract the attention of the children, tell them Bible Stories, we would recommend Primary Presidents to instill in their minds the Principles of truth, get the Millennial Star—you will find food for them, she must [p. 540] have Order, and Punctuality, Honesty, and Truth.

What gives a mother more joy than to have her children do right? When she goes into a Primary Meeting and looks around, she can tell the charecter of the Mother. If I indulge in anything that will hold me from meeting am I doing my duty? No, I am not, if I am dilatory in any duty, it is a mark in my life. She spoke of a Sister who thought she was dying, she thought she had to be weighed, and was asked what good she had done she said none, he told her she must return and remain 40 years and see what good she could do.

When I went into the Waters of Baptism—what was it for? Was it to settle down and get a Husband, and take no part in anything? We will be Judged according to our works. Those who are energetic in their duties—I am proud of them. Take those who are bowed down—take them by the hand and lift them up, if there ever was a time when we should do our duty, it is to day.

My young Sisters, if you take the proper course there is a happy time in the future for you—Wake up and attend to your duties, be faithful live near to God.

I will say a few words about our temporal duties I saw two Sisters with Silk Dresses on—they were drawn out of their element with them, this Ward might have been rich to day, if they had listened to the counsel given to them twenty years ago—just so far as we are clothed in Babylon to day, just so far we are supporting Babylon, and we are praying for Babylon to fall. I wish the Brethren would get up the Trees, and let the Sisters make the Silk. I am proud of my Sisters who are alive to their duties.

[. . .] [p. 541] [. . .] [p. 542] [. . .]

Sister Eliza. R. Snow.—I have enjoyed this afternoon at the Bishops [Jacob Weiler], we had a very nice and [p. 543] pleasant time, and a splendid Dinner, and she felt indepted [indebted] to the Bishop for coming after them.

[. . .] [p. 544]

Source Note

Third Ward, Liberty Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1868–1967), vol. 1 (1868–1884), pp. 540–544, CHL (LR 9113 14).

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27 June 1883, Salt Lake City Third Ward Relief Society; Third Ward Relief Society House, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed March 9, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1880s/1883/06/1883-06-27