22 June 1868

Salt Lake City Eighth Ward Relief Society; Salt Lake City, Utah Territory

[. . .]

Sister E. R. Snow and <Sister Hyrum> [Sarah M.] Kimball were present. [. . .]

Sister Snow arose, expressed here [her] happiness in meeting with us, desired us to advance in good works continually, as there is to be no end to improvement; the more she saw of these meetings, the more responsibilities she saw in them, both spiritually and temporally; all members are responsible for the advancement and reputation of Societies; treasure up wisdom and knowledge, advance in proportion to the advancement made by the brethren; prepare for high positions with humility; the daughters of Zion are to be as polished stones, refined and dignified. Woman is at the foundation of all good upon the earth. Apostles, Statesmen, and all noble persons, get their first impressions from their Mothers, she gives the first impulse to character; Mothers should instruct their daughters in all good things; Improve ourselves; be theerful [cheerful], cultivate the Spirit of God; acknowledge His hand in all things; by faith on His word, she had been encouraged in many changes of scenery; other records than ours are kept, and all things will end well for those who do right; we are blessed in having this organization; by being obedient, we will remove the curse placed upon woman, which was to obey her husband <Which curse came through disobedience>;1 live to [n.p.] behold the face of God; by being as one in doing good we will have power with Him; overcome all evil; Members of the Society, who are guilty of misdemeanor, must have the affair investigated; through faithfulness we will become strong in body and in mind. She also spoke of the faithfulness of President H [Heber] C Kimball, deceased, and of the crown laid up for him; she realized there were glorious anticipations before us, and felt to bless us. [. . .]

Sister Snow said, that with regard to speaking we are very much governed by habit, we are endowed with noble faculties, and by improving upon our gifts, we can instruct, gave us good cautions, and desired us to accustom ourselves to good thinking and speaking, which have a tendency to elevate.

Sisters M [Mary H.] Bullock, A [Anne M.] Cross, C [Catherine D.] Palmer, E [Esther B.] Fletcher, E [Elmira P.] Tufts, A [Angeline G.] McAllister, E [Elizabeth A.] Lynch, E [Elizabeth J.] Chamberlain, A [Abbie A.] Piggott, and E. [Elizabeth] G. Barney, being called upon to speak, all responded, and desired to improve in good works.

Sister Snow said her Spirit had been refreshed by their responding, it manifested humility, She blessed them.

Presidentess [Mary Ann] Leaver, expressed her satisfaction, thought we would be enabled to overcome our timidity, desired to profit by the instructions received, wished to encourage the young in keeping good company, and urged us to be faithful. [. . .] [n.p.]

Source Note

Eighth Ward, Liberty Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1867–1969), vol. 1 (1867–1877), n.p., CHL (LR 2525 14); Eliza E. Frost, Secretary.

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22 June 1868, Salt Lake City Eighth Ward Relief Society; Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed March 9, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1860s/1868/06/1868-06-22


  1. [1]For more information, see “Eve and the Fall” in Historical Context.