18 February 1875

Salt Lake City Thirteenth Ward Relief Society; Thirteenth Ward Meetinghouse, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory

Large meetinghouse with a group of people entering

Salt Lake City Thirteenth Ward meetinghouse, circa 1890. (Courtesy Church History Library.)

[. . .] Prayer by Sister E. R. Snow. [. . .] [p. 217]

[. . .]

Sister E. R. Snow arose and said,—The Saviour at one time said, if these hold their peace, the very stones would cry out. They lived in a day when the Saviour was upon the earth, but very few realised it was indeed Him, but we live in a day when the Kingdom of God is established, never more to be thrown down. Felt that we were greatly blest.

We could praise God and not be interrupted. We had no difficulties to encounter comparative[l]y speaking. We had not to hide ourselves in the dens and caves of the earth.—There was a time when those who wanted to read the Scriptures, had to lash their Bibles to the bottom of a chair or stool, while one had to stand at the door and watch, lest they should be caught reading, as they would be treated as committing a crime.—

She was pleased that so many had turned out, and felt so good, for there was more or less inspiration in every face. The Lord loved His daughters and had so loved them as to give His only Son to die for them. We should remember this. Do any of us know or remember that we dwelt in another world in the presence of God before we came here? We none of us know it by recollection, if we do know it, it is by inspiration of the Holy Spirit. We do not know our relationship to eachother, unless we know it by the Spirit. We consented to part with that recollection when we came here. Do we know that each of us have a mission to fill? We must be careful to fulfill that faithfully, otherwise we will lose the reward we set out for. If we have come here to day [today] in humility it is impossible for the Holy Spirit to be kept from us, it is necessary that we cultivate that Spirit, and have need to meet together, it is a commandment

Spoke of the growing apathy when once neglecting our meetings, until we did not care to attend at all and eventually lose the Spirit of our religion, in such a case it would have been better never to have heard the Gospel, or gathered with the people of God

But let us have a good day an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, a time of refreshing from on high, that should be long remembered.

God Bless you my Sisters.— [p. 218]

Sister [Mary Isabella] Horne [. . .] then arose and said [. . .] She found Sister Snow thought we needed a little straightening up, and she was the very one to do it, and we were all willing to be set in order by her. [. . .] [p. 219]

Source Note

Thirteenth Ward, Ensign Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1868–1906), vol. 1 (1868–1898), pp. 217–219, CHL (LR 6133 14); Elizabeth H. Goddard, Secretary.

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18 February 1875, Salt Lake City Thirteenth Ward Relief Society; Thirteenth Ward Meetinghouse, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1875/02/1875-02-18