20 May 1875

Salt Lake City Thirteenth Ward Young Ladies; Salt Lake City, Utah Territory

[. . .]

By request Miss E. R. Snow followed: She thought an apology was due the association but as she had the pleasure to bring Mrs. M. I. [Mary Isabella] Horne with her, hoped her tardyness would be excused. Said that [p. 32] patience was one of the qualifications we need to make assist us in doing, the right. When we give way to impatience we do wrong, the fruits of the spirit of God are longsuffering, brotherly kindness, when we have an unhappy spirit, we may know that it comes from another sourse [source],

Spoke of her visit to Farmington and of the vote taken by the ladies there in regard to the round-dances, that they would not indulge in them. Told the young ladies they had done much good and could do more this they exerted an influence which is greater than this which we exert, because you hold the fashions, and can make them what you will. In all things we need patience and perseverance, we want to strive for them and encourage them in others as well as in ourselves.

She hoped the young sisters would become examples worthy of imitation, exhort each other, talk to one another and above all cultivate the Spirit of God, no one can be happy without it

By request, Mrs M. I. Horne followed. [. . .] We have two spirits to contend with and we know the spirit of God by the patience and good feeling it brings us [. . .] [p. 33] [. . .] Let us learn to be obedient and Cultivate a spirit of patience; If we feel anger, let us stop and think and we will not do anything to hurt anothers feelings, and after it has been said come back to us with regret [. . .] [p. 34] [. . .]

Miss Flora Shipp said, she believed we could overcome our impatience if we would strive to do so. she never gave way to such a spirit, but she felt a rebuke. We need a great deal of the Spirit of God, to learn and know our[s]elves.

[. . .]

Pres. Mrs. [Elizabeth F.] Thomas expressed herself well pleased with the remarks on patience She wanted to cultivate this virtue and by so doing become wiser and better.

Miss E. R. Snow said if all would consentrate their faith the Lord would give them a song of Zion, which was sung by Mrs. M. I. Horne. Miss E. R. Snow giving the interpertation.

Miss E. R. Snow then spoke of the yo[u]ng gentlemens society, which would meet Tuesday evening, hoped those who have brothers would encourage them to go.

[. . .] prayer by Miss E. R. Snow. [. . .] [p. 35]

Source Note

Thirteenth Ward, Ensign Stake, Young Women’s Mutual Improvement Association Minutes and Records (1875), pp. 32–35, CHL (LR 6133 17); Louise A. Ashby, Secretary.

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20 May 1875, Salt Lake City Thirteenth Ward Young Ladies; Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1875/05/1875-05-20