13 November 1875
Retrenchment Association; Fourteenth Ward Meetinghouse, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory

Salt Lake City Fourteenth Ward meetinghouse, circa 1890. (Courtesy Church History Library.)
The meeting of the Senior and Junior Co-operative Retrenchment Association held in the Fourteenth Ward Assembly Rooms Nov. 13th, 1875, was presided over by Miss E. R. Snow in the absence of President Mrs. M. I. [Mary Isabella Hales] Horne. After the usual opening exercises and reading of minutes, Miss E. R. Snow gave an interesting account of her recent mission to Box Elder County, and of the meetings she had held with the sisters in the towns and settlements of that county. She said there was a feeling of great interest manifested among the sisters to engage in every domestic pursuit which would tend to promote HOME INDUSTRIES and cause us to become self-sustaining as a people.
[. . .] [p. 98]
Source Note
“R. S. Reports,” Woman’s Exponent 4, no. 13 (1 Dec. 1875): 98.