5 August 1880

Moroni Relief Society; City Hall, Moroni, Utah Territory

[. . .] President sister [Jane A.] Bailey opened the meeting made a few remarks and give way to the Sisters from, Salt, Lake, City, Sister, E R Snow Smith, and Sister E [Emmeline] B Wells. Sister Snow Address the meeting Spoke of the responsebility that resting upon Mothers how they trained their little ones. how prure [pure] and Spotless, they are when they are first intrusted to our care she said we had ought to se[a]rch our selves and see if we are doing right and keeping the commandments of our Lord. we had ought to buy good Books and Store our minds with usefull knowledge. she said our Children had not had been trained as they had ought to have been but thier [there] the is organizeations made to teach them the first prinsepals [principles] of the Gosple she said the hirerling Priests was trying to draw the away our little Children but she hoped that they would not have power to lead them astray she hoped that we would thirst after rightousness and be humble and prepaire [p. 167] our Selves to return to our Father Heaven from wence we came

[. . .] [p. 168]

Source Note

Moroni Ward, North Sanpete Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1871–1920), vol. 2 (1872–1881), pp. 167–168, CHL (LR 5786 14); Mary H. Draper, Secretary.

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5 August 1880, Moroni Relief Society; City Hall, Moroni, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1880s/1880/08/1880-08-05