20 March 1875

Salt Lake City Thirteenth Ward Young Ladies; Charles J. Thomas Residence, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory

[. . .]

Miss E. R. Snow followed: In as much as she had been called by the Pres. [Elizabeth F. Thomas] She would teach obedience by example; she was pleased to see so many out, and to feel that the spirit of God was with them. [p. 11] He loves the pure in heart, and is always ready to bless those who trust in Him.

She anticipated much from this Organization, there are so many children it would be best for all to learn a trade, something that would assist them in becoming useful in the Kingdom of God. Work that is done with pure hearts and hands; should be preferred by all of us to that which is not And if we meet together and get our hearts warmed spiritually, we will the more easily understand what is required of us. Referring to the prophecy of Joseph Smith that the fabrics made in Zion should be sought for by all the world as being superior to all others: this is the foundation and if we take an interest in the work and each do what they can we shall make, Zion sustaining and independent. God wishes His people to be united, they are expected to fill high positions the house of God is a house of order and this practice is necessary in qualifying them to occupy those positions when Zion is great and beautiful.

The experience we gain here is taken beyond the grave, is all we can take with us, and forms our riches when we meet and go to become joint heirs with Jesus. There we shall find beautiful dwellings and gardens, and shall have become fit to enjoy them, we shall feel no pain or sickness. The eyes of some have been touched and they have been allowed to see things beyond this world that await the faithful;

We shall then visit other worlds and see and realize how they are made. In closing asked all to be careful in Speaking of the meetings and not allow the temptor to make them say anything to ridicule

[. . .] [p. 12] [. . .]

Miss E. R. Snow then gave them some valuable instruction in regard to their duties and eight names were voted in as members of the association. Then a few remarks from Mrs. M. [Margaret] P. Young, the Pres. and Miss E. R. Snow [. . .] [p. 13]

Source Note

Thirteenth Ward, Ensign Stake, Young Women’s Mutual Improvement Association Minutes and Records (1875), pp. 11–13, CHL (LR 6133 17); Louise A. Ashby, Secretary.

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20 March 1875, Salt Lake City Thirteenth Ward Young Ladies; Charles J. Thomas Residence, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1875/03/1875-03-20-b