16 November 1875

Plain City Young Ladies; Plain City, Utah Territory

Sister Eliza R. Snow Motioned and it was seconded and a un[an]imous was carried that Sister Jane S. Richards preside at the meeting [. . .]

Sister Snow said as some were not present this morning she would read the memorial to Congress (she then proceeded to do so) wished all to sign it that had not but wished to.

Sister Snow stated in the first place she would like to know if the Young Ladies wished to be organized and requested those that desired it to rise (several arose) Said the first business was to choose a President to preside over the Young Ladies and that it was the privilege of the Young Ladies to choose one and wished them to vote honestly Sister Turner nominated Sister Folkman Sister Mary Raymond nominated Sister Emily Shirtliff [Shurtliff] Sister Snow said it had been moved and seconded that Sister Emily Shirtliff be president of the Young Ladies Society a vote was taken and unanimously carried and sister Emily Shirtliff was called upon to take her place as President of The Young Ladies Association and choose her counsellors and she accordingly did so

[. . .] [p. 1] [. . .]

Sister Snow Said:

Now we have an organization but no society.

Secretary A. [Amelia] M. Frodsham then proceeded to take the names of those wishing to join the organization then read the names and they were accordingly voted in as members—

Sister Snow then moved that this be called the Young ladies Retrenchment Association of Plain City, it was seconded. A vote was taken, which was unanimously Sustained. Sister Snow said she told the Young sisters up in Eden when they got full of the spirit of God to invite the Young men that did not drink or use tobacco. The President [Ether E. McBride?] told me he did not know of any that drank or used tobacco. I told him the place was rightly named. I want You Young Sisters to meet and help give an energy to the relief Society. I dont think the brethren will object to the Young Sisters taking hold and doing all the good they can. and we want You to do all the good they can. In the 13th ward in Salt Lake City the Fast Meetings were poorly attended. the Young ladies made a resolved to attend Fast Meeting took a vote to wear home made hats and are now knitting Jackets out of yarn and Colored here have also taken up [p. 2] the subject of plain dressing. I hope the President will find something for all these young girls to do. In Salt Lake City they appoint Fast Meetings and pray for the sick it has been made manifest that their prayers have been heard. I shall want to come and see you. I hope I shall find your President in better health her countenance glowing with the spirit of God and find you all feeling happier, so you can rise up and bless your Mothers. it is your privilege to be better daughters You little girls rise up and speak. You can say You are glad to come to Meeting. Prepare Yourselves so you can converse with angels that time is not far distant if you are faithful I heard Brother Brigham [Young] tell of their [there] being Angels in Kirtland Temple. Also told a strange circumstance of a little child It was given out that no little children should be taken to the dedication of the Temple. One sister had one six weeks old she was very anxious to go. Brother [Joseph] Smith told her to take it and he would be responsible for it. The people shouted Hossana and Amen three times this child Joining it [in] that shout Live for the Kingdom of God the kingdoms of this world are tottering when we get so we can sustain our selves. Babylon will fall. What would we do to day if Babylon should fall—Related a circumstance of a young girl speaking in tongues in Kirtland. she said, Keep [p. 3] Yourselves neat and clean for God does not love a dirty Saint We must wake up and be doing be working for Zion overcome our evil propensities. Fretfulness will drive the spirit of God from us I say God will bless you my sisters. I say wake up. Wake up my sisters. we have much to do. Satan is trying to overcome the Saints inasmuch as we are humble cultivate a cheerful disposition endeavor to make our homes happy we shall overcome Talk about cheerful things try to make everybody happy. God bless You my Sisters.

Sister Frodsham was called upon to speak to the Sisters she felt that we received many blessings one in particular to day, that of having Sister Snow with <us> an exemplary woman one that was spending her time in helping build up the kingdom of God. Also Sister Richards who was striveing to do all the good she could and felt we should uphold these sisters by our faith prayers and works in their labors of love and good work [. . .]

Bro. [Lewis] Shurtliff [. . .] Felt much blessed in having these Sisters [p. 4] visit us. [. . .] I think this organization is a splendid thing and I feel happy I think if the Young ladies lead out we shall have a reformation I can say Sister Snow it is needed. [. . .]

Sister Jane. S Richards Felt very thankful. [. . .] Hoped all the little girls would remember this is sister Snow, wife of the Prophet Joseph Smith and never forget this meeting [. . .] [p. 5]

Source Note

Plain City Ward, Farr West Stake, Young Women’s Mutual Improvement Association Minutes and Records (1875–1973), vol. 1 (1875–1881), pp. 1–5, CHL (LR 6982 17); Amelia M. Frodsham, Secretary.

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16 November 1875, Plain City Young Ladies; Plain City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1875/11/1875-11-16