29 June 1878

Levan Relief Society; Levan, Utah Territory

[. . .]

sister Aagaard [Serena Aaagard] then introduced to the sisters sister Eliza R. Snow and sister Zina Young sister Snow said she was happy to b[e] here with us today, said it was a great privelige we had to be called Saints, she hoped that we [p. 133] were all Saints indeed, she was glad to see so many of the brethren present for we all had the same object in view the Salvation and exaltation of our Souls to which the wealth of this world is nothing and ex[c]ept we are willing to devote all we have and all our time to this great object we are not as we should be, the prophet Joseph Smith had said that this Relief Society was for to save Souls and it is an honour to be belonging to this assosiation. she said there is no greater help to a man than a woman who desires to serve the Lord with all her strength then let us realize who we are if we are honoring the Lord with our lives, we have been left to go our own way for a long time but the Lord has set his hand now for the last time to redeem his people, and bring us to serve him, it will be our own fault if we do not atain to the highest glory and exaltation for we have that chance and that privelige but let us be wise and choose what is right all the time, let us be peasemakers and be humble before the Lord all the time, it is our duty to lift one another up and not pull down

she then encouraged homemanufacture and home industry, so we should not always be dependent on Babylon, and let our girls be set to work to braid straw hats make straw hats she also encouraged to plant out mulbeary trees and raise silk, and by and by we will have on silk dresses, she then urged upon us the nessessety [necessity] of laying up grain, because there is surely a famine coming

[. . .] [p. 134] [. . .]

Sister Snow proposed that we sustain sister Amelia Goldbrough [Goldsbrough] as president over the Relief Societies in this County which was carried unanimously

[. . .] [p. 135]

Source Note

Levan Ward, Juab Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1874–1970), vol. 2 (1874–1887), pp. 133–135, CHL (LR 4850 14); Hannah Hendrickson, Secretary.

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29 June 1878, Levan Relief Society; Levan, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1878/06/1878-06-29