18 April 1883

Salt Lake City Twelfth Ward Primary; Salt Lake City, Utah Territory

[. . .]

Sister Eliza R. Snow Smith being present she was called upon by the President to make a few remarks. she spoke as follows, “I have noticed a great improvement since I first organized this Association, one point of difference is the larger boys are more prompt in coming forward to speak or read their pieces, after a while they <you> will soon be called on missions, & then you will need all the knowledge which you have gained in the Primary Associations. I noticed in the annual report that there no testimonies had been born dont you think little boys & girls that you could get up & speak if it were only a few words,” (the answer was) “yes ma’am” “would you not like to grow up good men & women,” (the answer was) “yes ma’am” “To be good you must have faith in God. I will tell you a story of a man who had faith in God. He met with a severe accident by which he had the bone <of his arm> near the elbow crushed to pieces. His friends sent for a surgeon but could not obtain one, but they found an elder who administered to the man & his arm was instantly healed through faith which the man had in God. I pray God to bless you all that you may grow up good men & women.” [. . .] [p. 150] [. . .] [p. 151] [. . .] Sister Snow asked permission to speak a few minutes, which was granted, in which time she showed the children a gold watch which Joseph Smith had carried. [. . .] [p. 152]

Source Note

Twelfth East Ward, University West Stake, Primary Association Minutes and Records (1879–1972), vol. 1 (1879–1885), pp. 150–152, CHL (LR 12908 18).

See also “Home Affairs,” Woman’s Exponent 11, no. 23 (1 May 1883): 180.

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18 April 1883, Salt Lake City Twelfth Ward Primary; Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1880s/1883/04/1883-04-18