18 April 1884

Davis Stake Relief Society; Farmington, Utah Territory

[. . .] Present from Salt Lake City Sisters Eliza R Snow Smith and Emaline [Emmeline B.] Wells [. . .] [p. 172]

[. . .]

Sister Eliza R Snow Smith said she need not say she was pleased to meet with us her presence showed that. We all understand that we are weak so it is hardly necessary to make so many excuses when we arise to speak. She was pleased with the reports and had been edified in listening The sisters Calling in the Releif Society is sacred God instituted that organization before the world was He revealed the same to the Prophet Joseph [Smith] The duties devolving upon Releif Societies are various Their first object is to unite the sisters in taking care of the sick and poor Then there is donations to pay for several purposes The Teachers in the society are to warm the hearts that have grown cold raise the drooping &c in fact that is the duty of every member They should be a releif to the Bishop Joseph Smith said that the society would become the most glorious on <the> earth. Sisters we have been improving from the time we embraced the gospel. Are we advancing in knowledge wisdom and understanding it is as necessary to grow spiritually as temporally We want to be more noble and spiritually minded We want that comforter that Jesus promised that leads into all truth and shows us things to come We want it for a constant companion We must purify ourselves for the presence of God if we do this there will be no evil speaking or backbiting our interests will be one with the brethren Let us overcome every thing that seperates us from God Dont be discouraged that does not belong to a saint She was thankful she was associated with such noble women she asked God to bless and strengthen us [p. 173] help us to renew our covenants and determination to grow better and better till we come in the presence of angels and holy beings

[. . .] [p. 174]

[. . .]

Sister Snow beleived the sisters were doing all they could in storing grain The most important of all duties is the training of our children While thousands are being emigrated to this church. Thousands born heirs to the Preisthood are going to destruction Mothers this all important duty rests very much upon you The future of Zion depends upon the youth Unless they get the spirit and love of the Gospel they are not saints Mothers how much time do you spend in inplanting faith in the hearts of your do you bring them around your knees and ask them questions about P [Primary] Asociations when they return I wish you to take this subject in consideration Made remarks about gathering the poor The Primarys have taken a commendable part in this direction She thought we should incourage Primary fares [fairs] they not only cultivate the inventive faculties but keep the time and mind employed so there is no place for evil [p. 175] We want to live so as to keep the spirit of God Continually in our hearts this spirit is very sensitive so we must cherish it and with it what need we fear Our enemies are in Gods hands and He overrules every thing for our good, There is not a principle of this Gospel but that we should prize more than these mortal bodies Plural Marriage is a tool that they persecute us with That is a Sacred principle and we had better lay our lives down than deny it Through that principle the curse will be removed from men it does more to elevate and purify than any principle we have We are none of us so narrow minded as to want selfishness to remain in our bosoms It is calculated to enlarge and expand the heart A man that has not a heart large enough to love more than one woman will never make a God there is no such thing as dividing affection and if we wish to be Godeses we must earn that position1 She was proud of such principles She Prayed God to help us secure an exaltation husbands and eternal increase

[. . .]

Ben [Benediction] by Eliza R Snow Smith [p. 176]

Source Note

Davis Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1878–1915), vol. 1 (1878–1887), pp. 172–176, CHL (LR 2160 14).

See also “Editorial Notes,” Woman’s Exponent 12, no. 23 (1 May 1884): 180.

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18 April 1884, Davis Stake Relief Society; Farmington, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1880s/1884/04/1884-04-18


  1. [1]See “Plural Marriage” in Historical Context.