1 July 1875

Santaquin Relief Society; Santaquin Meetinghouse, Santaquin, Utah Territory

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A meeting called by the President of the Relief Society [Elizabeth J. Stickney] to hear the instruction of sister Eliza R Snow and other sisters who came from Salt Lake. [. . .] [p. 38]

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Sister E R Snow said I am always glad to see the faces of my sisters It is our duty and privilege to meet together Our brethren should feel a[s] great an intrested [interest] in the relief society as the sisters for their intrests are one. The church of Jesus christ cannot be fully organized without the relief society

Do not think they are merely to gather means God had a higher object than that for we could have done that in bab[y]lon they are for the perfecting of womanhood Woman must save her self I would not risk my salvation to any man or being I must stand before my God and be judged If I act as a priestest [priestess] unto my God I must earn my position mothers do you teach this to your daughters mothers wake up in relation to your children do you teach them the gospel have you a testimona [testimony] within yourselves of the truth of this gospel do you teach them to pray or does your boys use tobacco and drink to weaken the body and shorten the life instead of being strong and living in the ways of God prophesying in the name of God. Filthy lucre has taken the attention of the minds of the saints we must put away our bickerings ceace [cease] our evils and become one or God will spew us out do not let this season pass without saving straw to make your own hats and bonnets I take pride in wearing home productions my bonnet is home made also the flower I would as soon wear a silk dress as a cotton one if it was made at home [p. 39] be not ashamed to go and confess your fa[u]lt and make peace with an other for the noblest minded condesends the lowest we should be charitable and forgiving The [She] highly complimented our president by saying to the society I love sister Stickney I can take her by the hand and love her [. . .] [p. 40]

Source Note

Santaquin Ward, Nebo Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1868–1920), vol. 3 (1874–1878), pp. 38–40, CHL (LR 8765 14).

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1 July 1875, Santaquin Relief Society; Santaquin Meetinghouse, Santaquin, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1875/07/1875-07-01