30 May 1874

Retrenchment Association; Fourteenth Ward Meetinghouse, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory

White building with wood trim, Salt Lake City, circa 1890

Salt Lake City Fourteenth Ward meetinghouse and assembly hall, circa 1890. (Courtesy Church History Library.)

[. . .]

Coun Miss E. R. Snow.

There are but two parties on the earth, one is the [n.p.] kingdom of God, the other the kingdom of Satan. How any person can hesitate to move forward in this United Order, I cannot understand, unless their minds have become darkened by neglecting some important duty. The improvement of ourselves is one of the most essential things in our existence. This cultivation requires a thorough control of all our passions. If we have anything in us, that is contrary to the spirit of God, and to pure, and holy beings, we want to eradicate it. God is no respecter of persons, but he is a respecter of characters. We want to enlarge our hearts, and prepare ourselves for a reception of the blessings, and the glory of our heavenly Father. This United Order is bringing us nearer our heavenly home. According to our present mode of living, the interests of one, clashes with the interests of another. Confidence between the saints is something most necessary to be established, and when we arrive at that position, that our interests, are one, our hearts will become one also. I cannot My trust is in God, if it were not, I should probably stop, hesitate, consult, and deliberate upon the subject, but this is not of man, God is at the helm. If men err, it is because God permits them to do so, in order that we may gain an experience. I want to say a few words to our young ladies. I know that God was the projector of the cause, in which you are engaged. Our young sisters are preparing themselves to fill important positions, and to be eminently useful in the kingdom of God

[. . .] [n.p.]

Source Note

Retrenchment Association, Meeting Minutes (1871–1874), n.p., CHL (CR 129 1).

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30 May 1874, Retrenchment Association; Fourteenth Ward Meetinghouse, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1874/05/1874-05-30