15 November 1881

Utah Central Stake Relief Society; Provo, Utah Territory

[. . .] Sister E. R. Snow Smith addressed the congregation. I am thankful that you and I my sisters were worthy to come forth in this dispensation, that we are a portion of the favored ones, and I am proud to be associated with the faithful who are trying to build up Zion. Our duties are multiplying and will continue, and we find that to-day we can accomplish what we once thought impossible. I think we do not search those sacred books that God has placed within our reach as much as we should. If the Bible, Book of Mormon and Doctrine and Covenants could give us knowledge to find gold, we would study them more than we do now. We often wonder that we can forget heavenly things and cling to that which is earthly. God requires us to cling to that faith by which the dead were raised and the sick were healed. We need to draw nearer to our God; but those things need not deprive a mother from performing her daily, household duties. She needs great faith to form the future character of her children. I wish to speak to mothers about sending their children to the Primary Meetings. Children need constant training and protection from the influences that are creeping into our midst; do not neglect your little ones mothers, let them go to their meetings, or after awhile they will not want to go. It is not of much use to educate the head if the heart is neglected, and if the Spirit of God does not dwell in the heart. I often wonder what we should have been if these societies had not been organized. Let us be united and put away every thing that is calculated to devide. God has placed within our reach means enough to insure our salvation. Who are we? Why we are daughters of God! and I once heard Joseph say that the least saint occupied a higher standing than kings or potentates; but we all have to endure the trials of life, for the Lord has said He would have a tried people. If I had understood Plural Marriage when I embraced it as I do to-day, it would have been no trial to me; but I am thankful to God that his grace was sufficient for me, and if there are any here that do not know for themselves that this principle is true, let them seek to God for a testimony. God is on our side we have nothing to fear from our enemies they can go no farther than He is willing; we want to have the peace of God within us to strengthen both body and mind. Teach your children the principle of tithing; teach them by example; and it will be a principle in their minds forever; let them grow up in the habit of it, if you have but little get the blessing of God upon it. I would rather have 90 cts with the blessing of God than the $1,00 without it. We were counseled last year, being the Jubilee year, to lend the grain that had been stored up by the sisters. but that counsel does not extend any farther than last year. We are to go on storing up our grain as usual, and after we give our wheat we have no more claim on it; it belongs to the Lord, it is stored up against a time of famine, not to be drawn out till the Lord commands, it is sacred. I pray that we may have the sweet communion of the holy spirit to be with us all, Amen.

[. . .]

Sister E. R. S. Smith spoke on the contingent fund for the Stake thought each society ought to contribute to it, for what is the use of a treasurer without a fund. Bishop [John P. R.] Johnson [. . .] I was pleased to hear the sisters speak on the subject of tithing; the sisters should pay their tithing, and pay it correctly [. . .] [p. 151]

Source Note

Caroline Daniels, “R. S., Y. L. M. I. A. and Primary Reports: Provo,” Woman’s Exponent 10, no. 19 (1 Mar. 1882): 151.

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15 November 1881, Utah Central Stake Relief Society; Provo, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1880s/1881/11/1881-11-15