17 November 1879

Goshen Young Ladies; Goshen Schoolhouse, Goshen, Utah Territory

on the stand were Miss Eliza R Snow Mrs. Zina [D. H.] Young, Mrs. M. I. [Mary Isabella] Horne of Salt Lake City [. . .] [p. 105] [. . .]

Sister Eliza Snow said she felt much interested in the welfare of the young ladies hoped their main object was not to dress well and to be good dancers if so you are truly trifling away valuable time for you should have higher and nobler aims in this latter dispensation you have far greater priveleges than I had when young but I always felt a resolve to do some good and prove myself to be of some good in this Church

I am sorry to say I have heard young ladies use very vulgar phrases and language let me beg of you to have more respect for yourselves for such is very unbecoming, to become good Men and Women you must be prayerful, and I would remind you at this time to offer up your prayers in behalf of our young Sister who is sick, for the Lord will be sought after and the prayers of the faithful availeth much and do be obedient to your Parents and the priesthood and may God bless us all Amen

[. . .] Sister Snow advised the Mothers to be punctual in sending their Children to the Primary meeting [. . .]

Prest [Hattie T. ?] Higginson read the Poetry composed by Mrs. C [Christina Y.] [p. 106] Higginson To the Sisters of Salt Lake City greeting from the Young Ladies of the Mutual Improvement Assotn [Association]. [. . .]

Lines composed by Mrs. C Higginson to the Sisters E. R. Snow, M. I. Horne & Z. D Young


Dear Sisters in timidity

We fain would say a word

Of welcome to our Sisters dear

Who bring the word of God


We feel our inexperience

In thus addressing you

But bear with us we fain would give

A welcome word or two


We want to serve the Lord our God

While in our tender youth

That we may always walk along

The narrow path of truth


God bless and keep and comfort you

Along the path of life

That you may be kept safe and

From every care and strife


May health and peace and every good

Attend on every hand

Until with shouts of joy you reach

The fair celestial land


[p. 107]

Source Note

Goshen Ward, Santaquin-Tintic Stake, Young Women’s Mutual Improvement Association Minutes and Records (1875–1971), vol. 1 (1875–1886), pp. 105–107, CHL (LR 3259 17); Emma R. Morgan, Secretary.

See also “Home Affairs,” Woman’s Exponent 8, no. 13 (1 Dec. 1879): 101.

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17 November 1879, Goshen Young Ladies; Goshen Schoolhouse, Goshen, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed March 9, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1879/11/1879-11-17-b