13 May 1869

Kaysville Relief Society; Kaysville Tabernacle, Kaysville, Utah Territory

[. . .]

Brother Joseph F Smith arose being called upon by the Pres [Ann B. Smith] and some very interesting remarks. He said he was he had the privilege of speaking to the Sisters for he felt blest in so doing. He said the Elders had to go to the nations of the Earth while the Sisters as it were lay dormant in these things, But they were busy teaching their Children to live in the way they should live, but in these Societies they are doing a great deal more to help to roll on the Kingdom, but when they were seperate they could not do as much as they can if they are united. It has been out of the power of parents to keep their Children from the fashions of the world, but when we are united we can do a great deal of good that we could not other wise do. When the Priesthood of God live together and are united they [p. 33] they can do almost any thing they wish to do and it is in this way that we will prosper, and be able to control the fashions and relieve the poor. There is a great responsibility resting upon us that we were not aware of for we was not in the position to know these things, but it is now expected that we must take a part in this work and help the brethren. It is time that the sisters should know how to preach the Gospel as well as the Brethren. Sisters with all other things remember your minds and educate them and try to control the fashions. Deal in wisdom in all things, reflect upon your talk and the talk of those who speak with you. I will close praying for the Lord to bless you in the name of Jesus Amen.

Sister Eliza R Snow then arose to address the Sisters. She thought there was not a Sister here but what would try to be a better saint than she had been after the discourse we have had. There is some Sisters that will say I can’t do this that or the other if they are asked to do any thing, but they do not know what they can do untill they have tried She wished us to be Prayerful to pray in secret as well as in our families She wished us to be diligent in all things that are devolving upon us. She wished us to try and help our husbands and Brethren in all that are pertaining to the Kingdom of God We were made for helpmeets and not for pets but still some women think they must be pet. She knew of many Sisters who thought they have many troubles but they were not contented with thinking so themselves but they want others to think so to. Sisters this is not they to do we should keep our troubles to ourselves and appear happy whether we are or not. She wished us to keep the words of [p. 34] wisdom and said if we were in the habit of drinking two or three cups of tea or coffe[e] a day to break off and onley take one and so on by degrees until we could do without any She thought it was not good to drink much cold water after being in the habit of drinking warm drinks. She said we must use wisdom in all things, We must increase step by step we must not try to advance faster than we are able, we must become worthy of being Mothers in Israel that we may be prepared to teach and instruct our Children the plan of salvation, and while we come together to acquire means to relieve the poor we must try to acquire cultivate our minds and try to learn something that will benefit ourselves and others, we don’t want to be a whit behind the people of the world, but we want to be ahead of them in all things pertaining to usefulness She wanted the young girls to learn all things that will be useful to them here and hereafter Mothers do not allow your Children to make use of vulgar language, but you must try and control your ownselves and be truthful in every respect. And while we are blessing and helping the poor, we are laying up blessings for ourselves. When we are called on to do any things we should go forward and do the best we can. The Cooperative Institution is one thing that will help us to gain the Celestial Glory. She wished us to be cautious when we go to the City and and not go and trade with the gentiles, for if we do we will not be blest, but try to be united in carrying out the councils that are given to us from time to time and then we will prosper both temporally and spiritually

Br John S Smith made afew remarks backing up the teachings of the others which had spoken, and advised the Sisters to carry out their teachings, for it was true and in so doing they would prosper

[. . .] [p. 35]

Source Note

Kaysville Ward, Davis Stake, Relief Society Record Book (1868–1878), pp. 34–35, CHL (LR 4531 24).

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13 May 1869, Kaysville Relief Society; Kaysville Tabernacle, Kaysville, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1860s/1869/05/1869-05-13