13 January 1883

Mill Creek Relief Society; Mill Creek [Millcreek], Utah Territory

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Sis Snow. Arose and said she felt much pleased to be with the Sisters, this afternoon. said we should always be prepared to go into the presance of the saints. We should appreciate the blessings of God

We are placed to fill the most honorable possion [position], Women every [ever] held. The nearer we draw to God the more we love Him. How can thoes [those] live that never meet with the Sisters of Zion. I rejoice in the signs of the times. There is a time when one cannot lean upon another, but each one fore themselves. There will be a time when every one will have to stand upright I feel for myself that it is nessary [necessary] for me to live nearer to God.

Sisters, the Lord has not sent us down here to grasp the world. We where [were] sent here on a noble and mighty erant [errand], to assist in keeping the Human family. We came here to do the will of God. We must keep all His Commandants [Commandments]. I was by the bedside of a sister when she died and she had nothing to regret, only that she had spoken against [p. 337] poligamy. let us give our hearts to God. Let us prepare ourselves so that our names will be on the record, from generation to generation. We ought to de vote [devote] our whole lives to this work. Said mothers, prepare your girls for usefullness, for we shall be Judged acording to our works. The more useful we can be, the more we shall be blest. With regard to washing and anointing, Sisters there is nothing that has so much power. Spoke of the minut[e]s that was read, said the secatory [secretary] has nothing to do with the disberrements [disbursements], till she makes out her report. The tresuary [treasury] should keep the amount that is disbersed and send her report to the secatory. She asked God to bless the sisters in their labor.

[. . .] [p. 338]

Source Note

Millcreek Ward, Cottonwood Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1874–1949), vol. 1 (1874–1883), pp. 337–338, CHL (LR 5570 14).

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13 January 1883, Mill Creek Relief Society; Mill Creek [Millcreek], Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1880s/1883/01/1883-01-13