231 May 1883

Mantua Relief Society; Mantua, Utah Territory

[. . .] Visite by President of Stake & Eliza R. S. Smith from Salt Lake City

[. . .]

Eliza R. Snow Smith said she could endorse all the praises of the sister[s] at Mantua made remark to send a sister to learn to be a Doctor said it was on very cheep terms said in looking over the sister there is a great deel of inergy [energy] of Charactar which is lacking many places said a Mother duty is to make home happy & to improve upon her Children to be mighty men & Woman to be perfectly Strict & Earnest to her Children said [p. 87] the primary meeting are to help the Mother to train there Children said when a Child is babtid [baptized] the[y] become a member of the Church said the[y] should be taught to pay there tithing said you young sister must make your own Charactar said you must learn to be good housekeepers said we should realiz[e] that the Eye of God is always upon us said she had once been young but now she was Old had been 50 years in the gospel & the more she live in it the better it is said poligamy as the world calls it or Celestial Marrage said it is one of the most high & elavated principles & without it we can not inter [enter] into Celestial Kingdom, said it is alright to acumalit [accumulate] property but not set our heart on the things of this world urged the sister to wake up to there duty & to help one another said insted of becoming help meets to our Husband we are help meet to the Pr[i]estood, said the minute will not tell how many Souls the sister have saved but other books will be opened that will tell urged us to over come our evil, said on the other side of the vail we are more inerjatic [energetic] said there is nothing to be dreaded in dying said she had once read about death, & the Lord once showed to her in a vision how good it was, & she would rather sacryfise [sacrifice] a little of her rest & her property & live a little longer than to have to come back after her death, said we have all come here one [on] a mission urged us to realize it & live for the blessing of God said a work rest upon us for the Dead & the more we work in a Temple the more we feel the nesasity [necessity] of working said it is a duty we ought to tend to said she felt to bles[s] the people of this place with Spiritual thing as well as in Temporal Things & with great faith that when sickness comes that we may have faith to withstand for the Lord have said that sickness shal[l] cover the Earth

[. . .] [p. 88]

Source Note

Mantua Ward, Box Elder Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1874–1973), vol. 4 (1882–1891), pp. 87–88, CHL (LR 5254 14).

See also E. R. Snow Smith, “An Interesting Trip: The Lamanites Improving, Relief Society News—Silk Industry,” Woman’s Exponent 12, no. 3 (1 July 1883): 17.

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231 May 1883, Mantua Relief Society; Mantua, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1880s/1883/05/1883-05-23


  1. [1]The minutes record the date of this meeting as 26 May, but in her account in the Woman’s Exponent, Eliza gives the date as 23 May. (E. R. Snow Smith, “An Interesting Trip: The Lamanites Improving, Relief Society News—Silk Industry,” Woman’s Exponent 12, no. 3 [1 July 1883]: 17.)