13 August 1880

Gunnison Relief Society; Relief Society Hall, Gunnison, Utah Territory

A large two-story structure with a central, front-facing tower

Gunnison Relief Society Hall, Gunnison, Utah Territory. (Photo taken from Charities and Philanthropies: Woman’s Work in Utah edited by Emmeline B. Wells.)

[. . .] Sisters Eliza R. Snow Smith and Emmeline B. Wells present [. . .]

Sister Eliza R. Snow said, we need reminding of our duties, constantly; the blessings of God upon our labors and our food is worth more to us than all else. Two brethren whom I know, planted under exactly similar circumstances, but one asked God to bless his crop, and the other did not. The result: one raised an abundant crop; the other an exceedingly meager one. Let us in all we do pay regard the councils of God & his servants; pay our tithing & keep strictly all the Lord’s commandments. We profess to believe in present revelation. In baptism we professed to be dead to the world, and alive to the things of God. If we do not use our talents they will be taken from us. The wheat, which our sisters have been so diligent in storing, we are under obligations to preserve; it is not ours. It takes care to secure it; if you change your wheat get better wheat and more of it. We have been called upon to loan our grain, and we must loan it on the principle suggested by the priesthood. What we sell should be returned & as much added as possible. I am proud of your success in building this house. The brethren surely have helped you, and you have done wonders. You must have been well united; and I hope you will complete it. If you see anything in your midst that will disunite you, put your foot upon it immediately; you need all the union you can get. We all need improvement, without exception. How would you like to seean [see an] angel meet with you. You never meet but what the angels do meet with you. [p. 79]

No one can work out our salvation but ourselves How beautiful are ourganizations, from the older folk, even to little children. Children 3 years old seems to appreciate their meetings. We are not only helpmeets to our husbands as wives; but we are helpmeets to the Priesthood. The women of the world are working against the men of the world, and will never accomplish what they aim at; though the[y] may do some good.

Mothers should take all the comfort and refreshment from meetings, in hearing the things that flow to us without neglecting her family duties. Those who get these refreshments, make happier wives and mothers.

Girls should know first that God has spoken, and their relationship to him, next they should be good housekeepers; make home attractive for the children; be sociable and familiar to them. What is more important than to see our little ones, now they are organized, that they are filled with good? Children should be taught to have faith in God in sickness & in health. They should grow up without fear, for where there is fear there is no faith. Union is strength. I hope you will set an example in all good works. I am selfish to see Zion prosper, for as Zion prospers we will prosper. Those who have been backward should come forward and do better it is all one interest. The Prophet Joseph Smith said to the Sisters: “provoke the Brethren to good works.[”] Our home made hats are steps, though small, to our independence. Pray that Mulberry Trees may grow here and they will.

[. . .] [p. 80] [. . .]

Sister Wells then showed the Sisters the P. A. [Primary Association] Hymn Books, the contents of which was mainly Sister E. R. Snows work, and which labor she had done without charge. Singing she said, is an important part of our religion worship. All should sing and learn to sing. Keep those Hymn Books to remember Sister Eliza R. Snow Smith by. [. . .]

E. R. Snow then said: I feel to say a few words [p. 81] about your R. S. [Relief Society] Store. Support it, give it your patronage, and do not oppose co-operation; each one should feel to support it. Recommended a committee to see and care for the emmigrants, that “sharks” shall not plunder them of their faith. Recommended three good sisters, and wise, to visit comfort, guard and instruct the Saints.

[. . .] [p. 82]

Source Note

Gunnison Ward, Gunnison Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1872–1949), vol. 2 (1879–1887), pp. 79–82, CHL (LR 3518 14).

See also “Visit to Sanpete—Notes by the Way,” Woman’s Exponent 9, no. 6 (15 Aug. 1880): 44–45.

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13 August 1880, Gunnison Relief Society; Relief Society Hall, Gunnison, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed March 9, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1880s/1880/08/1880-08-13