26 July 1882

Big Cottonwood Relief Society; Big Cottonwood Meetinghouse, Big Cottonwood [Holladay], Utah Territory

[. . .]

Sister Snow says: I am very pleased to meet with the sisters this afternoon what a blessing these society’s has been to the sisters by uniting together, we can call down from God that w[h]ich nourishes ous [us] in the days of the Prophet Joseph [Smith] all who were considered virtuous join the society. Those who do their duty in the society, make their homes more pleasent. We should bless each other we should never have any hardnes[s] towards each other, we should make the Kingdom of God up[p]ermost all the time, we want to be drawing [p. 553] nearer and nearer all the time we are commanded to seek earnestly for the Kingdom of God, if we injure a sister we have to make that right sooner or later, or the spirit of God will leave us when we live so as to keep the Spirit of God, within us, the Lord will over rule everything for the good of his people to make home happy the mother must have the spirit of God. if she does not she can not impart it to others. What a blessing it is to have communion with the holy spirit, o how sweet it is how necessary it is for us to tend to our duty, we should never neglect our prayers in the celestial glory their [there] is to be Husband and wifes, parents and children and eternal increase, will there be anywhere else “No!” said she was trying to renew her diligence we should try to be more diligent, while she did live she wanted to do all the good she could. the gospel is to draw together, did you ever hear of a[n] alone Saint.

[. . .] [p. 554] [. . .]

Sister Snow said. We have went to a great exspence [expense] to get a Hospital ready, we have much to do, to get it in order, there is nothing, but what is usefull in the Hospital, do not wait untill you get some thing big, so it will sound. I wish to make these remarks, so you do not feel, it is to[o] small.

[. . .] [p. 555]

Source Note

Big Cottonwood Ward, Granite Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1868–1948), vol. 1 (1868–1882), pp. 553–555, CHL (LR 712 14); Harriet C. Gunderson, Secretary.

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26 July 1882, Big Cottonwood Relief Society; Big Cottonwood Meetinghouse, Big Cottonwood [Holladay], Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed March 9, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1880s/1882/07/1882-07-26