20 February 1885

Salt Lake City Seventeenth Ward Young Ladies; Julia C. Howe Residence, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory

Two-story, wood home with front balcony and covered side porch; one woman stands on the porch while another holds a baby in the yard

Julia and Amos Howe residence, Salt Lake City. (Used by permission of the Family of Amos and Julia Cruse Howe.)

A large number of the members was present, besides a number of visitors among whom, were, Sister E. R. Snow Smith Sister E. [Elmina] S. Taylor, Sister Nellie Colbrook [Ellen S. Colebrook], Sister M. [Maria] Y. Dougall, Sister H. [Hannah] T. King and others

[. . .] [p. 184] [. . .]

Sister E. R. Snow Smith said: “I have been interested in listening to the exercises this afternoon. But I have yet to be converted to annual reorganizations, I cannot see where benefit is to be derived from changing officers so often. I should think that it would be a drawback. There is another thing which I have to be converted too, and that is, adjourning the associations during the summer season. A president up in Cache Valley thought she would take pattern from the Young Men’s Associations and adjourn the meetings during the summer time. she did it once and declares that to be the last time, as it took all the next season to gain the ground lost during the vacation.

These associations are educational—physically, morally, mentally and spiritually. If we improve every opportunity during the whole of our lives, and were our lives twice as long as they are, at the end we would find that we were still imperfect. Each of these four departments must be cultivated to its fulest extent; if we fall short of either, we will be far from perfect.

It is well to understand these legal questions, that we may know how far we receive just treatment during this time of persecution. The persecutions which the people are enduring today, are not as hard as what they endured in Nauvoo and other places, today it is of another turn. In those days many were persecuted u[n]to death. It has not come to that at this time. Although many would suffer death rather than abandon their religion. Our religion is worth more than our natural lives.

I am pleased with the Young Ladies when they are trying to improve and educate themselves. You must be punctual to be appreciated. If you are always punctual in attendance, and prompt in fulfilling the duties assigned to you, you will be necessary to the association, and will be missed when away. The member who is not <not> punctual in attendance, and only comes once in awhile will not be missed, and if sick may not be looked after. May God bless you all and your president especially, with health and strength to perform the duties of her office. and may this association prove a blessing to her. I prophecy that it will etc” [p. 185]

[. . .] [p. 186]

[. . .] [p. 187] [. . .]

Closed by singing, “O my Father thou that dwellest.”

[. . .] [p. 188]

Source Note

Seventeenth Ward, Salt Lake Stake, Young Women’s Mutual Improvement Association Minutes and Records (1870–1973), vol. 3 (1878–1887), pp. 184–188, CHL (LR 8240 17); Eleanor C. Dallas, Secretary.

See also Ella Dallas, “Y. L. M. I. A. Annual Meeting,” Woman’s Exponent 13, no. 21 (1 Apr. 1885): 162.

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20 February 1885, Salt Lake City Seventeenth Ward Young Ladies; Julia C. Howe Residence, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1880s/1885/02/1885-02-20