16 December 1880

St. George Stake Young Ladies; St. George, Utah Territory

[. . .]

Sister Eliza R. Snow then spoke. Asked an interest in our prayers, that she might say something that would do us good

Said we did not come upon this earth to eat, drink, associate with each other, die and be forgotten, but to live for a nobler and higher purpose. We do no[t] appreciate the privelege of living in this day [p. 27] and age of the world. In order to do this we must be able to comprehend our relations to God our Father.

What kind of characters do you propose to make. I hope beautiful characters.

It devolves upon you put the stamp on society. Show me the women of a country and I will tell you what kind of society they have. If you want yours names to be held in honorable remembrance, do good, be good. Don’t put on long faces, we want you to be true saints of God.

That which is created by the Spirit of God is the only true happiness It is your privelege to walk in the light of his, Spirit. I was glad to see the young sisters rise and speak. I beleive it is more necessary for you young folks than those more elderly, because the cares and duties of life lie before you. If you wish to gain a priceless character, learn to be a good housekeeper. Do not think any duty beneath your [p. 28] dignity. Cultivate a self-supporting dignity. I think our hard lessons do us more good than our easy ones. When I was prostrated with sickness I learned this lesson. I would recommend you also to become good cooks. I always admired Queen Victoria’s Theory. She put all her girls thru the kitchen What kind of a house does that girl keep who has never been put to work. It is a great deal easier to learn now, while you are single, than it will be when you are married, with a baby in your arms.

Keep in your minds, that he who does the greatest good is the most [i]mportant. You who profess the doctrine of Christ, occupy a position as high above Queen Victoria’s, if you do right, as heaven is above earth. Some girls, as soon as they are married, are done with M. I. [Mutual Improvement] Associations, and everything of like nature but who, of all, need the spirit, wisdom and knowledge gained here, so much as the young mothers? [p. 29]

A prominent duty of every young sister is to prepare for greater duties

You must cultivate speaking to each other We must be humble, and especially those who are in office. The more put upon us, the more humble we should be. The more need we have of God’s spirit, and the faith and prayers of our fellow beings God bless you! I feel an interest in you Your interests are mine; our interests are mutual. I want you to be the most noble of women. If we fail in this, it is our own fault, for God has placed its in our power to attain to the highest exaltation in His Kingdom. May we all attain to this is my disire.

Sister Zina D. [H.] Young, I trust you will treasure up the precious words of sister Snow, for her whole life and energies have been devoted to doing good [. . .] [p. 30]

Source Note

St. George Utah Stake, Young Women’s Mutual Improvement Association Minutes and Records (1879–1973), vol. 1 (1879–1901), pp. 27–30, CHL (LR 7836 17); Julia S. Ivins, Secretary.

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16 December 1880, St. George Stake Young Ladies; St. George, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed March 9, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1880s/1880/12/1880-12-16