9 July 1872

Salt Lake City Nineteenth Ward Relief Society; Nineteenth Ward Meetinghouse, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory

[. . .]

Miss Eliza R. Snow being called upon said, I do not wish to occupy much time but there is one thing I wish to lay before you that affects all in these mountains We are about calling for voluntiers on the subject for midwifrey; That sphere belongs to woman and she should be qualified to act in it, for she is more naturally formed to administer to woman This profession is getting back into the hands of men. Is this right? [p. 191] many who have officiated have gone to the other world and there are not enough. We want a number of younger women who are capable of nursing and taking care of the sick, and we want some to become acquainted with anatomy. The sisters are faithful in raising means for the Emigration fund, but this is a great a mission as that or any other. The sisters should cultivate their capabilities that they may be successful. We want the Relief Societies to take this matter in hand and select about two in each Ward that will give it their time and attention. I will leave this subject with my sisters. I am pleased to meet with you but will not take up the time

Mrs Sarah [M.] Kimball, said “I have to say to my sisters that I feel honored by being here today, am here by invitation from the Bishop [Alonzo H. Raleigh] I consider the subject Sister Snow has mentioned of vital importance and those who undertake this should be thourough. [. . .]

Sister [Rebecca B.] Jones of the 15th Ward said she was pleased with what the Bishop had said and the subject Sister Snow had brought up had her approval.

[. . .] [p. 192]

[. . .]

Sister Snow then arose and said A yound lady from Draperville came forward and offered herself at our last Retrenchment meeting. I think the subject demands more attention to it than has been given to it. It is a noble calling and any young lady who would qualify herself, it would be an honor to. If there are older sisters who can devote there time and attention to this work it will be well.

[. . .]

Pres Mrs A. A. [Ann Agatha] Pratt then arose and said. I have been very much pleased with the Bishops remarks. I had thought if he was not present to ask Sister Eliza to instruct the teachers in their duties but the Bishop has done so. [. . .] [p. 193] [. . .]

Councillor Mrs A [Ann] E Neal said Sister Pratt had called upon her to say something [. . .] The subject Sister Snow advanced she thought was a great and necessary one for us to act upon, and hoped some would step forward and qualify themselves. [. . .] [p. 194]

Source Note

Nineteenth Ward, Salt Lake Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1868–1971), vol. 1 (1868–1875), pp. 190–194, CHL (LR 6092 14); Maria W. Wilcox and Ann E. Neal, Secretaries.

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9 July 1872, Salt Lake City Nineteenth Ward Relief Society; Nineteenth Ward Meetinghouse, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1872/07/1872-07-09