17 April 1875

Retrenchment Association; Fourteenth Ward Meetinghouse, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory

White building with wood trim, Salt Lake City, circa 1890

Salt Lake City Fourteenth Ward meetinghouse and assembly hall, circa 1890. (Courtesy Church History Library.)

[Editorial Note: This discourse was reported in two different sources. Both versions are transcribed below. For more information, see the source note following each transcript.]

I. From Retrenchment Association Minutes

[. . .] Counsellor Mrs Zina D [H.] Young presided. [. . .] Our subject is Home industry. Sister Snow has just returned from the North Ogden and we would like to hear from her. May God bless us in all our endeavors to do good.

Counsellor Miss E R. Snow said

Obedience is better than sacrifice As Sister Zina Young is President and has called upon me to speak I will be obedient. When I came in she wished to have me preside but I would not take the place after being late. I have this morning returned from Ogden where I attende Sister [Elizabeth A.] Howard and myself went. We attended a meeting in Ogden City of young ladies and gentlemen and it was a beautiful sight to behold we also attended a meeting of the Relief Society.

In North Ogden after meeting with the Relief Society we were requested to meet with the young sisters. The energy that is manifested by them is encouraging they are very spirited and the Association promises to be a success. I told them they had [n.p.] started out as little children going to school just learning A. B. C.

Home Industries is getting getting to be the watch word in that place. In Ogden City they have a straw department and employ quite a number of young ladies. I have a specimin of their workmanship on my head. I consider it a Zion bonnet. I want to ask you if this bonnet should cost a trifle more than an imported one which would you prefer. I can answer for my self. Sustaining these home industries is laying the foundation for the building up of Zion Who would not assist in this laudable undertaking, it never can be established unless by the union of the Saints. It has come as a test, whether we will sustain the Kingdom of God or take up sides with those who try to destroy us.

In conversation with President Young We have lost in a measure that of being a peculiar people; and have been imbibing the spirit of the world. The saints should not be slumbering but be awake to every duty. We as sisters have much to do. I am thankful to the most High that His Spirit is permeating from heart to heart and from settlement to settlement, in stirring up the hearts of the youth that they may have for themselves a knowledge of the Gospel. She he She made other instructive remarks, and presented several items of industry realitive to home industry. [n.p.]

[1 unnumbered page omitted] [. . .]

Coun Miss E. R. Snow

Showed some collars that had been made by a young lady in the First Ward. She said we have people here that can do all kinds of work that we require. I do not wish to wear any thing that is inferior but will wear the best if it is home made. We have some business with the Presidents of the Relief Societies after meeting

[. . .] [n.p.]

Source Note

Retrenchment Association, Meeting Minutes (1871–1874), n.p., CHL (CR 129 1); Margaret M. Groo, Secretary.

II. From Woman’s Exponent

[. . .]

After the regular exercises and the reading of the minutes by the different secretaries from the various wards, Mrs. Zina D. [H.] Young addressed the congregation upon HOME INDUSTRIES, the course necessary to be pursued in order to sustain them, encouraged all to be energetic in these matters.

Counselor Miss E. R. Snow followed, speaking upon punctuality; the cultivation and practice of it; gave a brief sketch of her recent visit to Ogden and some of the adjacent settlements, the pleasure she felt in the progress they were making, called the attention of those present to her bonnet, which was made and presented to her by the ladies in Ogden, and of which she felt truly proud: spoke in regard to sustaining domestic productions, remarked that had it not been for the increase of faith, union, humility, zeal and energy which had been the result of these organizations it would have been more difficult to lead out in the direction now indicated by President [Brigham] Young. [. . .]

Counselors E. R. Snow and Zina D. Young, and Mrs. E. [Elvira] S. Barney each spoke on the measures now being taken to sustain the HOME INDUSTRIES and showed some specimens of flowers collars stockings etc. of home work.

[. . .] [p. 178]

Source Note

R. S. Reports,” Woman’s Exponent 3, no. 23 (1 May 1875): 178.

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17 April 1875, Retrenchment Association; Fourteenth Ward Meetinghouse, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1875/04/1875-04-17-b