14 August 1868

Salt Lake City Sixth Ward Relief Society; Salt Lake City, Utah Territory

Present on the stand Presidentess Rhoda [Ann M.] Fullmer & Council E. R. Snow & Presidentess [Sarah M.] Kimball of the 15th Ward

Singing by the choir & prayer by E. R. Snow

Miss E. R. Snow being called on arose & said—

Sisters I feel good to meet with you I feel a good spirit here. I do not <feel> any thing of disunion here I have asked permission of your Presidentess to read a portion of the minutes of the organization of the Society in Nauvoo

After the reading of which sister Snow suggested the prop[r]iety of recieving by vote all who wished to be legally recognized as members of the Society [. . .] It was then moved by the Presidentss & secon[d]ed by Sister Snow that Agnes [K.] Irvine be appointed to preside over the Teachers, carried

Sister Snow said by the request of your Presidentess I arise to give you few instructions concerning the duties of the Society [p. 15]

One of which is to adminster to the poor, not only in body or in clothing but the poor in spirit & those cast down. Our conversation should be for good & not to tittle tattle about our neighbors but it should be to interest to edify

The Daughters of Zion are to become as polished stones I consider the office of Teacher a high & holy office. I hope the Sisters do not think that it consists merely in begging for the poor. You want to be filled with the spirit of God, of Wisdom, of humility of love, that in case they have nothing to give they may not dread your coming but that they may percieve a difference in their houses after you have visited them

The minutes of the Teachers meeting should be handed to the general Secretay It is the duty of the Presidentess to hand out to a sick person without the consent of the Society, but if there should be a peice of land or a purchase of goods or any thing like this there should be a vote of the Society taken. It would be well to take the vote of the Society if oppertunity presented but do not let any one suffer by waiting to do this,—the Presidentess should act according to circumstances

[. . .] [p. 16]

Presidentess Fullmer then said I rejoice in having sister Snow with us—it has done me good both in mind & body There is a good influence here

[. . .] [p. 17]

Source Note

Sixth Ward, Pioneer Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1867–1922), vol. 1 (1867–1883), pp. 15–17, CHL (LR 8337 14); Mary T. Davis, Secretary.

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14 August 1868, Salt Lake City Sixth Ward Relief Society; Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed March 9, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1860s/1868/08/1868-08-14