20 February 1875
Retrenchment Association; Fourteenth Ward Meetinghouse, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory

Salt Lake City Fourteenth Ward meetinghouse and assembly hall, circa 1890. (Courtesy Church History Library.)
Counc. Miss E. R. Snow
A[s] our coming together resembles a picnic, and a picnic is a feast, <and in meeting together> we should all give a word but there are so many of us here but let those who have not spoken before take up the time and as we have some of our bretheren here and they are the stronger they will bring up the rear. What do I want to retrench from? it is my ignorance and every thing that is not of God. We enjoy a great privilege in meeting together; and I thank <my> God every day of my life for this privilege and am grateful for the spirit my sisters manifest in coming here. I must not take up the time as this is a picnic. I want to my sisters in behalf of Sister Bathsheba [W.] Smith she could not consestantly [consistently?] meet with us this afternoon With other excellent remark she gave way
Coun. Mrs. Pheobe. [Phebe W.] Woodruff—
Sister Snow expressed my feelings in saying this was a picnic. [. . .] [n.p.]
Source Note
Retrenchment Association, Meeting Minutes (1871–1874), n.p., CHL (CR 129 1); Margaret M. Groo, Secretary.