17 September 1875

Hooper Relief Society; Hooper, Utah Territory

Sister Eliza R. Snow: was present she spoke of the pleasure she had in meeting with the Society at Hooper was pleased to hear the Minutes read and the number of names enrolled in the Society, would liked to have seen fifteen or sixteen more names more she was sorry to see among the latter day saints a coldness in spiritual matters, their time being taken up almost entirely with the things of this world instead of [p. 47] the things of the Kingdom of God she urged upon the Sister[s] their attention to the poor that none suffer for the necessarys of life. and furthermore as mothers in Israel to lead out in cultivating good Society in morals and education and all things that will tend to secure the blessings of our Father & God, that unless we <the saints> do so the Lord will not hold us guiltless but in carrying out the will of god in holy lives, we would be entitled to come forth in the morning of the first resurrection and receive the blessings in store for the faithful unless we are faithful to all our duties we should have to sleep another thousand years, unless the saints labor for Salvation they will never gain it

If the saints were as anxious to get the Bread of life as to follow the fashions of Babylon by taking up the time which God has given us, the spiritual welfare of the community would be plainly visible

She wanted to see braiding establishments organized and the Young folks learn to make straw hats. They had such institutions elsewere and why not at Hooper, and as far as possible let our apparel be the workmanship of our own hands She directed the attention of the parents to the proper education of their children and mentioned as some of the Books to be placed in their possesion [p. 48]

The Book of Mormon, Doc & Covenants Bible, and other Church publications Not having proper education in this direction, she said that in Salt Lake City many Young Men had become profound infidals, and were using their influnence against the religion of their parents

She urged the Mothers and daughters to be punctual to their meetings The Sisters had the privelege of ere long becoming Queens & Princesses to God this honor could only be obtained by faithfulness to their covenants

The minutes of the ladies meetings in Salt Lake City would edify the Elders of Israel. they obtained the best books. write extracts from them and read them in their meetings

She exhorted the Sisters to faithfulness and in conclusion asked God to bless the congregation.

[. . .] [p. 49]

Source Note

Hooper 1st Ward, Hooper Utah Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1871–1973), vol. 1 (1871–1893), pp. 47–49, CHL (LR 3894 14).

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17 September 1875, Hooper Relief Society; Hooper, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1875/09/1875-09-17