10 June 1885

Box Elder Stake Young Ladies; Brigham City, Utah Territory

[. . .]

Sis. E. R. S. Smith of Salt Lake City felt pleased to see the present congregation, the Young Ladies, some mothers, & the babies. Spoke of the times, & the necessity of preparing for the same: the best preparation is to draw near unto God. Search our own hearts & see if we are for Him & His Kingdom, or if our minds are fixed on things of this world. Study the book of Doc. & Cov. [Doctrine & Covenants] to aid you in learning for yourselves if this is the Work of God. Said God takes notice of our food & drink: in ancient times He told the saints what to eat & spoke to <of> other small practical things. How particular He was & is about keeping the Sabbath Day holy. Desired the Lord to give her grace that she might be humble— Said the sooner we make the flesh subservient, the sooner we will hold sweet communion with the Holy Spirit & have it for our companion. Related an a conversation she had had with gentile visitors, in which she had made known many Gospel truths by not being ashamed to own our Lord. Advised the Y. L. [Young Ladies] to never be ashamed to speak in defense of the principles of our religion. “Every Y. L. should rise up in the power of God, & do every thing to assist in building up His Kingdom. I hope there is not one before me that is not willing to sacrifice any thing for [p. 242] the Gospel’s sake.” Related what the Lord had revealed to Joseph Smith concerning the judgments of the last days. Also a glimpse of what had been revealed to her. Asked God’s blessings on all.

Sis. Jane [S.] Richards of Ogden City said [. . .] “Take the advise you have heard this morning.” Spoke in praise of Aunt Eliza’s life-long work. [. . .]

Singing “O, my Father” [. . .] [p. 243] [. . .]

Sis. E. R. S. Smith spoke of the importance attached to motherhood. The necessity of the thorough education of woman. Hoped no Y. L. who is a L. D. S. [Latter-day Saint] would wish to idle away her youth or destroy her physical health. To have a well balanced character, we must be educated physically, morally, mentally & spiritually; the last must combine with all the others. Must be truthful, honest & upright. Our consciences educated according to the revalations of God. We are not born with a conscience, it must be educated: when this is properly accomplished, we will begin to see eye to eye.

Prepare yourselves for exaltations: also to train a future generation of noble men & women. We are born heirs to all the blessings of the Kingdom, but God desires that we seek for them. Spoke of how much good it does us to rise & speak “Study biographies, give them in your meetings, it will help you to concentrate your minds.” Spoke on the necessity of keeping the Sabbath Day holy, and of teaching this to children.

Said “I love the young ladies, I feel that you belong to me. Asked God’s blessing on all.[”]

[. . .] [p. 244]

Source Note

Box Elder Stake, Young Women’s Mutual Improvement Association Minutes and Records (1875–1944), vol. 1 (1875–1891), pp. 242–244, CHL (LR 933 17); Lydia S. Pierce, Secretary.

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10 June 1885, Box Elder Stake Young Ladies; Brigham City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed March 9, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1880s/1885/06/1885-06-10