13 September 1884

Fountain Green Young Ladies; Fountain Green, Utah Territory

s. [sister] Eliza Snow Smith I feel a very great interest in the Youn[g] Ladies association I organized the first association of the Young Ladies I have been very pleased at listing [listening] to your reports and I want to say to you young sisters that knowledge is the foundation of the my young sis you must all have a testimony share your word

You can become mighty women pristeses [priestesses] Godess [Godesses] or you can become women of good for nothing no [know] which will you become you must learn to bee good houskepers you ought to learn how to cook to have every thing in their place and [t]his should be also commence almost at your birth it is the mothers to learn us this well says one what is the good of us learning how to cook when I get married I am a going to have a haired [hired] girl well in time the girl will find out that she knows more than you do. I was glad to hear how many testimonies there was in your reports but I would have been more so if there had been a thousand instead of a hundred but my young sis you should be as puncutals [puntual] to your meetings as possible if we need to feed our body let us not forget to feed our spirit and I want recomend the young ladies to keep up there meeting every year ever more from year to year or from month to month well I hope that the young sis of this stake of yours will be more puncutal to there meeting and then there will be a more average attendance be punctual to your meeting dont start to get ready for meeting at the hour when your meeting is to commence but make yourselves [n.p.] so that when you miss a meeting you will be mis[s]ed and they will wonder where you are well <sis> let us make set our status <aim> high and then you want a will to reach that aim and then we will obtain the place which God has designed of us [. . .] [n.p.]

Source Note

Fountain Green Ward, Sanpete Stake, Mutual Improvement Association Records (1875–1901), n.p., CHL (LR 2970 34).

See also “Visit to the Country,” Woman’s Exponent 13, no. 9 (1 Oct. 1884): 68.

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13 September 1884, Fountain Green Young Ladies; Fountain Green, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1880s/1884/09/1884-09-13-b